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Does ACPA-negative RA consist of subgroups related to sustained DMARD-free remission and serological markers at disease presentation? Comment on article by Boeters DM et al.
Arthritis Research & Therapy ( IF 4.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-31 , DOI: 10.1186/s13075-020-2106-5
Alfonse T Masi 1 , Roy Fleischmann 2

Letter to the Editor

We read with interest the article by Boeters DM et al. [1]. We would like to clarify the significant findings and suggest further research needed to validate the novel conclusion. In ACPA-negative patients, 1 sustained DMARD-free remission (SDFR) occurred over 5 years follow-up in 17 (6%) with baseline low (< 30) MBDA score vs approximately 50% remissions in both moderate (30–44) and high (> 44) MBDA score patients ([1], Fig. 1). All ACPA-positive RA patients had low percentages of SDFR and no difference was found by baseline MBDA score category [1]. Percentages of 3 MBDA categories did not differ (p = 0.470) between the ACPA-positive and ACPA-negative groups [1].

SDFR was recently reported by ACPA-negative vs ACPA-positive patients in the total Leiden early arthritis cohort (1993–2016; n = 1296) [2], from which the Boeters et al. study [1] was the most recent inclusion subgroup (2011–2016). In the total inclusion period (1993–2011), SDFR occurred between 5 and 15% in ACPA-positive RA vs 40 to 50% in the ACPA-negative RA [2], as in Boeters et al. [1].

Unexpectedly, in multivariate analyses ([1], Table 2), the 95 ACPA-negative RA patients with high (> 44) baseline scores had greater DMARD-free remission than the 17 reference patients with low (< 30) MBDA scores (p = 0.041). If MBDA were truly a marker of disease activity, one might expect low rather than high MBDA to predict SDFR. Alternatively, if ACPA-negative RA does consist of subgroups [1], its documentation will require further serological study in separate cohorts [2, 3] or search for genetic markers [3]. Confounding variables should be excluded, possibly clinical features related to age at onset, which was found to be a significant (p = 0.036) predictor of SDFR ([1], Table 2) and other disease variables not studied. Is it conceivable that this anomaly [1] is due to chance occurrence in a small sample size study leading to an incorrect conclusion, especially when borderline (p = 0.041) statistical correlation is found [1]?

A critical review of the value of multibiomarker disease activity score to predict remission in RA was recently published [4]. The challenging question is whether or not baseline MBDA (or serological markers) are being overinterpreted or overstated with respect to outcomes (or disease subgroups) was critically analyzed [4].

Data are in published article and reference citations.

  1. 1.

    Boeters DM, Burgers LE, Sasso EH, Huizinga TWJ, van der Helm-van Mil AHM. ACPA-negative RA consists of subgroups: patients with high likelihood of achieving sustained DMARD-free remission can be identified by serological markers at disease presentation. Arthritis Res Ther. 2019;21:1–9.

    • Article
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  2. 2.

    Matthijssen XM, Niemantsverdriet E, Huizinga TW, van der Helm-van Mil AHM. ACPA-positive patients benefited more than ACPA-negative patients; 25 year results of a longitudinal cohort study. Presentation 2871 at the 2019 American College of Rheumatology Meeting, Atlanta GA (pps 5098–5100 in <https://acrabstracts.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/2019-Abstract-Supplement.pdf>).

  3. 3.

    Hedström AK, Rönnelid J, Klareskog L, Alfredsson L. Complex relationships of smoking, HLA-DRB1 genes, and serologic profiles in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis: update from a Swedish population-based case-control study. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2019;71:1504–11.

    • Article
    • Google Scholar
  4. 4.

    Fleischmann R. Value of the multibiomarker of disease activity score to predict remission in RA: what does the evidence show? J Rheumatol. 2019;46:443–6.

    • Article
    • Google Scholar

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No funding contributed to the statements in the letter.


  1. Department of Medicine, University of Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria, One Illini Drive, Peoria, IL, USA
    • Alfonse T. Masi
  2. Co-Medical Director Metroplex Clinical Research Center, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, 8144 Walnut Hill Lane Suite 810, Dallas, TX, 75231, USA
    • Roy Fleischmann
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Both authors contributed to interpretation of published and comments in Letter. Both authors read and approved the final manuscript.

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Correspondence to Alfonse T. Masi.

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Letter refers to published article without new subjects.

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Both authors agree to publication.

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The authors declare that they have no competing interests.

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Masi, A.T., Fleischmann, R. Does ACPA-negative RA consist of subgroups related to sustained DMARD-free remission and serological markers at disease presentation? Comment on article by Boeters DM et al.. Arthritis Res Ther 22, 17 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13075-020-2106-5

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  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s13075-020-2106-5


  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Anti-citrullinated protein antibody (ACPA)
  • Multi-biomarker disease activity (MBDA) score
  • Remission


ACPA阴性RA是否由与持续性DMARD缓解和疾病表现时血清学指标相关的亚组组成?评论Boeters DM等人的文章。


我们感兴趣地阅读了Boeters DM等人的文章。[1]。我们想澄清重要的发现,并建议进行进一步的研究以验证新结论。在ACPA阴性患者中,在5年随访中有1例持续DMARD无症状缓解(SDFR),其中17例(6%)基线低(<30)MBDA评分,而中度(30-44)均为约50%缓解MBDA评分高的患者(> 44)([1],图1)。所有ACPA-阳性RA患者SDFR的低比例,并没有差异基线MBDA评分类别[1]找到。 ACPA阳性组和ACPA阴性组之间3种MBDA类别的百分比没有差异(p = 0.470)[1]。

最近在全部莱顿早期关节炎队列中(1993-2016;n  = 1296)[2],ACPA阴性和ACPA阳性患者报道了SDFR [2]。研究[1]是最近的纳入亚组(2011-2016年)。在整个纳入期间(1993年至2011年),SDFR发生在ACPA阳性RA的5%至15%之间,而ACPA阴性RA的40%至50%[2],如Boeters等人所述。[1]。

出乎意料的是,在多变量分析中([1],表2),基线得分高(> 44)的95位ACPA阴性RA患者比17位MBDA得分低(<30)的参考患者具有更高的DMARD无缓解率(p  = 0.041)。如果MBDA确实是疾病活动的标志,人们可能会期望MBDA值低而不是高来预测SDFR。另外,如果ACPA阴性RA确实由亚组组成[1],则其文献将需要在不同的人群中进行进一步的血清学研究[2、3]或寻找遗传标记[3]。应当排除混杂变量,可能与发病年龄有关的临床特征很明显(p = 0.036)SDFR的预测因子([1],表2)和其他尚未研究的疾病变量。可以想象这种异常[1]是由于在小样本量研究中偶然发生而导致错误的结论,尤其是当发现边界线(p  = 0.041)统计相关性[1]时?



  1. 1。

    Boeters DM,Burgers LE,Sasso EH,Huizinga TWJ,van der Helm-van Mil AHM。ACPA阴性的RA由亚组组成:在疾病表现时,可通过血清学标志物识别出实现持续无DMARD缓解的高可能性患者。关节炎治疗。2019; 21:1–9。

    • 文章
    • 谷歌学术
  2. 2。

    Matthijssen XM,Niemantsverdriet E,Huizinga TW,van der Helm-van Mil AHM。ACPA阳性患者比ACPA阴性患者受益更多。一项纵向队列研究的25年结果。在2019年美国风湿病学院会议上的演讲2871,佐治亚州亚特兰大(pps 5098-5100 in <https://acrabstracts.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/2019-Abstract-Supplement.pdf>)。

  3. 3。

    HedströmAK,RönnelidJ,Klareskog L,Alfredsson L.早期类风湿性关节炎患者吸烟,HLA-DRB1基因和血清学特征的复杂关系:来自瑞典一项基于人群的病例对照研究。风湿病关节炎。2019; 71:1504-11。

    • 文章
    • 谷歌学术
  4. 4。

    Fleischmann R.疾病活动评分的多种生物标志物对RA缓解的预测价值:证据表明了什么?J风湿病。2019; 46:443–6。

    • 文章
    • 谷歌学术





  1. 美国伊利诺伊州皮奥里亚市伊利尼大道一号,伊利诺伊大学医学院皮奥里亚分校医学系
    • 阿方斯·马西(Alfonse T. Masi)
  2. 美国得克萨斯大学西南医学中心Metroplex临床研究中心联合医学总监,美国德克萨斯州达拉斯市8144 Walnut Hill Lane 810套房,美国德克萨斯州75231
    • 罗伊·弗莱希曼(Roy Fleischmann)
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  2. 在以下位置搜索Roy Fleischmann:
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Masi,AT,Fleischmann,R. ACPA阴性RA是否由与疾病呈报时持续的DMARD缓解和血清学标志物相关的亚组组成?通过Boeters DM等人于文章评论关节炎那里Res 22, 17(2020)。https://doi.org/10.1186/s13075-020-2106-5


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  • 类风湿关节炎
  • 抗瓜氨酸化蛋白抗体(ACPA)
  • 多种生物标志物疾病活动度(MBDA)评分
  • 缓解