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Food safety hazards in the European seaweed chain
Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety ( IF 12.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-29 , DOI: 10.1111/1541-4337.12523
J L Banach 1 , E F Hoek-van den Hil 1 , H J van der Fels-Klerx 1

Seaweed is a source of protein that can help overcome the anticipated challenges of a growing world population and the current challenges for finding alternatives for animal proteins in the Western diet. Thus far, data on the safety of seaweed for feed and food purposes in the Western world are scattered. This study aimed to review the available knowledge on the presence of food safety hazards in seaweed, including factors influencing their presence, and to prioritize the hazards that may pose a risk to human health. Given current knowledge from the literature, data from the Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed, and results from a stakeholder survey, 22 food safety hazards were ranked into major (4), moderate (5), and minor (13) hazards. Arsenic, cadmium, iodine, and Salmonella were identified as major hazards. Hazards, where data gaps exist, should be carefully assessed. These include pesticide residues, dioxins and polychlorinated biphenyls, brominated flame retardants, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, pharmaceuticals, marine biotoxins, allergens, micro‐ and nanoplastics, other pathogenic bacteria, norovirus, and hepatitis E virus. It is recommended to collect more data on these hazards in future studies. Many factors can affect the presence of hazards including seaweed type, physiology, season, harvest and cultivation environment, geography including the location of cultivation, alongside further processing. Moreover, when seaweed is cultivated near industrialized or anthropogenic activities, these activities may negatively influence water quality, which can increase the likelihood of hazards in seaweed. Results of the ranking prioritized hazards can be used to prioritize monitoring programs and adjusted given future additional knowledge covering the data gaps.



海藻是一种蛋白质来源,可以帮助克服世界人口增长带来的预期挑战以及目前在西方饮食中寻找动物蛋白替代品的挑战。迄今为止,西方世界关于饲料和食品用途的海藻安全性的数据是零散的。本研究旨在回顾有关海藻中食品安全危害存在的现有知识,包括影响其存在的因素,并优先考虑可能对人类健康构成风险的危害。根据现有文献知识、食品和饲料快速警报系统的数据以及利益相关者调查的结果,22 种食品安全危害被分为重大 (4)、中度 (5) 和轻微 (13) 危害。砷、镉、碘和沙门氏菌被认定为重大危害。应仔细评估存在数据差距的危害。其中包括农药残留、二恶英和多氯联苯、溴化阻燃剂、多环芳烃、药物、海洋生物毒素、过敏原、微塑料和纳米塑料、其他病原菌、诺如病毒和戊型肝炎病毒。建议在未来的研究中收集更多关于这些危害的数据。许多因素会影响危害的存在,包括海藻类型、生理、季节、收获和养殖环境、地理(包括养殖地点)以及进一步加工。此外,在工业化或人为活动附近种植海藻时,这些活动可能会对水质产生负面影响,从而增加海藻发生危害的可能性。