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Phenotypic plasticity and local adaptation in freeze tolerance: Implications for parasite dynamics in a changing world.
International Journal for Parasitology ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-29 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpara.2019.12.004
O Alejandro Aleuy 1 , Stephanie Peacock 1 , Eric P Hoberg 2 , Kathreen E Ruckstuhl 1 , Taylor Brooks 1 , Mackenzie Aranas 1 , Susan Kutz 3

Marshallagia marshalli is a multi-host gastrointestinal nematode that infects a variety of artiodactyl species from temperate to Arctic latitudes. Eggs of Marshallagia are passed in host faeces and develop through three larval stages (L1, L2, and L3) in the environment. Although eggs normally hatch as L1s, they can also hatch as L3s. We hypothesised that this phenotypic plasticity in hatching behaviour may improve fitness in subzero and highly variable environments, and this may constitute an evolutionary advantage under current climate change scenarios. To test this, we first determined if the freeze tolerance of different free-living stages varied at different temperatures (-9 °C, -20 °C and -35 °C). We then investigated if there were differences in freeze tolerance of M. marshalli eggs sourced from three discrete, semi-isolated, populations of wild bighorn and thinhorn sheep living in western North America (latitudes: 40°N, 50°N, 64°N). The survival rates of eggs and L3s were significantly higher than L1s at -9 °C and -20 °C, and survival of all three stages decreased significantly with increasing freeze duration and decreasing temperature. The survival of unhatched L1s was significantly higher than the survival of hatched L1s. There was no evidence of local thermal adaptation in freeze tolerance among eggs from different locations. We conclude that developing to the L3 in the egg may result in a fitness advantage for M. marshalli, with the egg protecting the more vulnerable L1 under freezing conditions. This phenotypic plasticity in life-history traits of M. marshalli might be an important capacity, a potential exaptation capable of enhancing parasite fitness under temperature extremes.



Marshallagia marshalli是一种多宿主胃肠道线虫,可感染从温带到北极的各种关节类动物。s类卵在宿主粪便中通过,并在环境中经过三个幼虫阶段(L1,L2和L3)发育。尽管卵通常以L1孵化,但是它们也可以以L3孵化。我们假设,这种孵化行为的表型可塑性可以改善零度以下和高度变化环境中的适应性,并且在当前的气候变化情景下,这可能构成进化优势。为了对此进行测试,我们首先确定不同自由活动阶段的耐冻性在不同温度(-9°C,-20°C和-35°C)下是否发生变化。然后,我们调查了从三个离散的,半分离的,居住在北美西部的野生大角羊和细角羊种群(纬度:40°N,50°N,64°N)。鸡蛋和L3s在-9°C和-20°C下的存活率显着高于L1s,并且随着冷冻时间的增加和温度的降低,三个阶段的存活率均显着下降。未孵化的L1的存活率明显高于孵化的L1的存活率。没有证据表明来自不同位置的鸡蛋的耐冷冻性具有局部热适应性。我们得出的结论是,鸡蛋中发育为L3可能会导致马氏甲烷八叠球的适应性优势,在冷冻条件下,鸡蛋可以保护更脆弱的L1。马歇尔氏菌生活史特征的这种表型可塑性可能是重要的能力,