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Reaching all women, children, and adolescents with essential health interventions by 2030
The BMJ ( IF 93.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-27 , DOI: 10.1136/bmj.l6986
Ties Boerma , Cesar G Victora , Miriam Lewis Sabin , Paul J Simpson

A marathon that requires a concerted effort If the sustainable development goals (SDGs) were a marathon we’d be approaching the 14 km mark after a slow start. There would be more than 28 km still to go, and everyone has to finish the race. We’re entering the final 10 years of the SDGs. Some runners are already falling behind and are at risk of not making the 2030 finishing line. The precursors to the SDGs, the millennium development goals, created an impetus that led to unprecedented progress in maternal and child health.1 Even though reducing inequalities was not explicit in the goals’ 2015 targets, disadvantaged populations often made faster progress than more privileged populations in the goals of improved maternal and child survival and coverage of health interventions mainly because they started from a very low baseline.23 The progress made should be applauded, but the millennium development goals were a marathon that many participants could not complete. Most of the 2015 targets were not met, and poor-rich and other inequities remained large. The SDGs’ mantra, which all countries signed up to through the United Nations, is “Leave no one behind.” The 2030 goals target health and wellbeing for all and the UN’s …


