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Cochrane reviewer sues Roche for claiming Tamiflu could slow flu pandemic
The BMJ ( IF 93.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-27 , DOI: 10.1136/bmj.m314
Owen Dyer

A UK epidemiologist and Cochrane Collaboration researcher is suing the drug company Roche in the US, claiming that it defrauded federal and state governments by falsely claiming that its antiviral drug oseltamivir (Tamiflu) could be a powerful tool in mitigating a flu pandemic.
Tom Jefferson, a frequent contributor to The BMJ, is suing as a private whistleblower for $1.5bn (£1.1bn; €1.4bn), roughly the amount that US public health authorities spent building up their pandemic stockpile of oseltamivir. The stockpile is still maintained today, though recent purchases have involved generic versions, as Tamiflu’s main patent expired in 2016.
Should Jefferson win, he would be awarded up to 30% of any monies recovered, while the rest would be returned to public coffers.
Jefferson’s Cochrane acute respiratory infections group was engaged by the UK government to undertake a major review of the effectiveness of oseltamivir in 2009, after …



汤姆·杰斐逊(Tom Jefferson)是BMJ的经常撰稿人,以私人举报人的身份起诉,要求赔偿15亿美元(11亿英镑; 14亿欧元),这大约是美国公共卫生部门用于建立大流行的奥司他韦库存的金额。尽管达菲的主要专利于2016年到期,但最近的购买涉及通用版本,直到今天,库存仍保持不变。