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Validity of Plate Diagrams for Estimation of Energy and Protein Intake of Nursing Home Residents Receiving Texture-Modified Diet: An enable Study
Journal of the American Medical Directors Association ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jamda.2019.12.014
Angela Ott 1 , Maria Voigt 1 , Cornel Christian Sieber 2 , Dorothee Volkert 1

OBJECTIVES Nursing home (NH) residents receiving texture-modified diet (TMD) are at risk of inadequate nutritional intake and subsequent malnutrition. It is essential to monitor dietary intake to take corrective actions, if necessary. Plate diagrams (PDs) are widely used to assess dietary intake in institutions but little is known about their validity for TMD. DESIGN Dietary intake at main meals was assessed by nursing personnel via PDs and scientific personnel via weighing records (WRs). SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS 17 NH residents receiving TMD on a regular basis. METHODS Intake from main meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) at 48 days was estimated by nursing personnel in quarters of the offered amount [nothing, ¼, ½, ¾, all, all plus second helping (54), or I do not know] and by scientific personnel via WRs. PD estimation was multiplied by the energy and protein content of the offered meal determined by WR and compared to WR intake results. Sums of daily PD quarters were drawn against WR intake results. RESULTS Energy and protein intake from main meals separately and in total per day were highly correlated (r > 0.854, all P < .001). Paired statistics showed no significant differences between assessment methods (P > .05). Mean differences [±standard deviation (SD)] between PD and WR were 13.9 (±68.6) kcal, which is 1.7% of the mean weighed caloric intake, and 0.2 (±3.3) g protein, which is 0.5% of the mean weighed protein intake per day. Daily energy and protein intake from main meals determined by WR varies widely within each category of summed daily intake quarters; for example, a sum of PD quarters of 12 (ie, "all eaten at all meals") showed corresponding WR intake levels from 394.6 to 1368.9 kcal and 16.3 to 63.0 g protein. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS Energy and protein intake from TMD estimated by PD corresponds very well to WR-determined intake, if the energy and protein content of the offered meals is known.



目标 接受质地改良饮食 (TMD) 的疗养院 (NH) 居民面临营养摄入不足和随后营养不良的风险。如有必要,必须监测膳食摄入量以采取纠正措施。板图 (PD) 被广泛用于评估机构的膳食摄入量,但对其对 TMD 的有效性知之甚少。设计 护理人员通过 PD 和科学人员通过称重记录 (WR) 评估主餐的膳食摄入量。设置和参与者 17 名 NH 居民定期接受 TMD。方法 48 天的主餐(早餐、午餐和晚餐)的摄入量由护理人员按所提供量的四分之一估算 [没有、¼、½、¾、全部,全部加上第二份帮助 (54),或者我不知道] 和科学人员通过 WR。PD 估计值乘以由 WR 确定的提供膳食的能量和蛋白质含量,并与 WR 摄入结果进行比较。每日 PD 季度的总和是根据 WR 摄入结果得出的。结果 分别和每天从主餐中摄取的能量和蛋白质摄入量高度相关(r > 0.854,所有 P < .001)。配对统计显示评估方法之间没有显着差异(P > .05)。PD 和 WR 之间的平均差异 [±标准偏差 (SD)] 为 13.9 (±68.6) kcal,占平均称重热量摄入的 1.7%,以及 0.2 (±3.3) g 蛋白质,占平均称重的 0.5%每天摄入蛋白质。由 WR 确定的主餐的每日能量和蛋白质摄入量在每日总摄入量的每个类别中差异很大;例如,PD 季度的总和为 12(即“