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Not all ruminants were created equal: Environmental and socio-economic sustainability of goats under a marginal-extensive production system
Journal of Cleaner Production ( IF 11.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-27 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.120237
C. Navarrete-Molina , C.A. Meza-Herrera , M.A. Herrera-Machuca , U. Macias-Cruz , F.G. Veliz-Deras

Globally, while the livestock sector contributes significantly to the environmental impact (EI), it faces some key challenges such as to increase production to cover increased demand, to adapt to highly variable natural and economic scenarios, and to enhance its eco-environmental performance. Such complex scenarios require a comprehensive evaluation of the EI considering the carbon footprint (CF), the blue water footprint (BWF), the socio-economic sustainability (SES) and their interactions. Hence, the economic value (EV) made by the goat production system (GPS) in the Comarca Lagunera (CL), northern-arid Mexico was quantified to compare it with its EI and SES (1994–2018). Response variables included the EV of the CF and BWF and the SES of the EV-GPS. The value of each of the variables was adjusted to 2011 euros while indicating the value in United States Dollars (USD) between parentheses. The CL recorded annual averages of 390,427 goats, 64.34 million liters of milk and 3,316.12 tons of meat. When contrasting the EV-GPS [M€ 18.17 (MUSD 23.47)] with the EV-CF [M€ 3.61 (MUSD 4.67); 84.29 kg CO2-eq kg milk-meat protein−1, MMP−1] + EV-BWF [M€ 2.48 (MUSD 3.20); 462.99 l H2O kg MMP−1)], a positive balance was observed. The accumulated GPS-CL economic spillover effect was M€ 454.23 (MUSD 586.83), 5.79 million minimum wages (MW) yearly and close to 400,000 MW during the studied period. The GPS is highly eco-efficient considering both the CF and the transformation of the BWF into animal protein (milk-meat) with an undisputable biological value. Besides, the greater the economic and productive efficiency of the GPS, the better the socio-economic conditions of the producer and his family, with concomitant decreases in both the index and degree of marginalization of families and municipalities where goat production develops.



在全球范围内,尽管畜牧业对环境影响(EI)做出了重大贡献,但畜牧业面临一些关键挑战,例如增加产量以适应不断增长的需求,适应变化多端的自然和经济状况以及增强其生态环境绩效。这种复杂的场景需要对EI进行全面评估,其中要考虑碳足迹(CF),蓝色水足迹(BWF),社会经济可持续性(SES)及其相互作用。因此,对墨西哥北部干旱地区Comarca Lagunera(CL)的山羊生产系统(GPS)产生的经济价值(EV)进行了量化,并将其与其EI和SES进行了比较(1994-2018)。响应变量包括CF和BWF的EV以及EV-GPS的SES。将每个变量的值调整为2011欧元,同时在括号之间指示以美元(USD)表示的值。CL记录的年平均水平为390,427只山羊,6,434万升牛奶和3,316.12吨肉。将EV-GPS [M€18.17(MUSD 23.47)]与EV-CF [M€3.61(MUSD 4.67)]进行对比时;84.29公斤一氧化碳2当量公斤奶粉蛋白-1,MMP -1 ] + EV-BWF [M€2.48(MUSD 3.20); 462.99 l H 2 O公斤MMP -1)],观察到正平衡。GPS-CL累积的经济溢出效应为454.23欧元(586.83美元),每年最低工资为579万欧元,在研究期间接近40万兆瓦。考虑到CF和BWF转化为具有无可争议的生物学价值的动物蛋白(牛奶),GPS具有很高的生态效率。此外,全球定位系统的经济和生产效率越高,生产者及其家庭的社会经济条件就越好,伴随山羊生产发展的家庭和城市的边缘化指数和边缘化程度也随之下降。
