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The rescue effect and inference from isolation-extinction relationships.
Ecology Letters ( IF 7.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-25 , DOI: 10.1111/ele.13460
Nathan D Van Schmidt 1 , Steven R Beissinger 1, 2

The rescue effect in metapopulations hypothesises that less isolated patches are unlikely to go extinct because recolonisation may occur between breeding seasons ('recolonisation rescue'), or immigrants may sufficiently bolster population size to prevent extinction altogether ('demographic rescue'). These mechanisms have rarely been demonstrated directly, and most evidence of the rescue effect is from relationships between isolation and extinction. We determined the frequency of recolonisation rescue for metapopulations of black rails (Laterallus jamaicensis) and Virginia rails (Rallus limicola) from occupancy surveys conducted during and between breeding seasons, and assessed the reliability of inferences about the occurrence of rescue drawn from isolation-extinction relationships, including autologistic isolation measures that corrected for unsurveyed patches and imperfect detection. Recolonisation rescue occurred at expected rates, but was elevated during periods of disturbance that resulted in non-equilibrium metapopulation dynamics. Inferences from extinction-isolation relationships were unreliable, particularly for autologistic measures and for the more vagile Virginia rail.



迁移种群的救援效果假设较少的孤立斑块不大可能灭绝,因为繁殖季节之间可能会发生重新定殖(“重新定殖救援”),或者移民可以充分支持种群规模以完全防止灭绝(“人口救援”)。这些机制很少得到直接证明,大多数的拯救效果证据来自孤立与灭绝之间的关系。我们通过在繁殖季节内和繁殖季节之间进行的占用调查确定了黑围栏(Laterallus jamaicensis)和弗吉尼亚围栏(Rallus limicola)的种群重新定居营救的频率,并评估了根据隔离灭绝关系得出的营救发生推论的可靠性,包括自动物流隔离措施,可纠正未调查的补丁和不完善的检测。重新定植的抢救以预期的速度发生,但在导致非平衡代谢种群动态的扰动时期有所增加。从灭绝-隔离关系得出的推论是不可靠的,尤其是对于自动物流措施和更加脆弱的弗吉尼亚铁路。