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Spatial and temporal variations of trace metal body burdens of live mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis and field validation of the Artificial Mussels in Australian inshore marine environment.
Chemosphere ( IF 8.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-24 , DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.126004
Hao Shen 1 , Golam Kibria 2 , Rudolf S S Wu 3 , Paul Morrison 2 , Dayanthi Nugegoda 1

The body burdens of eight trace metals: Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn, Cr, Se, Hg, and As, were measured in live mussels (LMs) Mytilus galloprovincialis at 14 coastal sites in Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, Australia in winter and summer between 2017 and 2018. The spatial and temporal variations of body burdens were evaluated. The results revealed significantly higher body burdens of Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn, Cr, and Hg in summer at the sites where the city centre and industries are located. Elevated levels of most trace metals including 3 toxic, non-essential metals (Cd, Pb, and Hg) were detected in LMs from the site of Geelong. The body burdens of Zn, Cr, Se, and As appeared higher at the sites from the Bellarine Peninsula and the mouth of Port Phillip Bay. Besides, the "Artificial Mussels" (AMs) were deployed at the same sites in summer for 28 d and retrieved when the LMs were collected. The accumulations of the eight metals were compared between AMs and LMs summer results. It indicated significant correlations for Pb, Cu, and Cr, lower correlations in Zn and Hg, and irregular correlations for Se and As. The AM results of Cd were below the detection limit of the analytical method. This study demonstrates that AMs are excellent replacement of LMs for the biomonitoring of multiple kinds of trace metals.


在澳大利亚近海海洋环境中,活贻贝Mytilus galloprovincialis的痕量金属身体负担的时空变化和人工贻贝的现场验证。

在冬季和澳大利亚维多利亚州菲利普港湾的14个沿海地点,对活贻贝(Mytilus galloprovincialis)中的活贻贝(LMs)测量了8种微量金属(镉,铅,铜,锌,铬,硒,汞和砷)的人体负担。在2017年至2018年的夏季。评估了身体负担的时空变化。结果表明,夏季在市中心和工业所在地的人体中镉,铅,铜,锌,铬和汞的身体负担明显增加。在吉朗遗址发现的LM中,大多数痕量金属(包括3种有毒,不必要的金属(Cd,Pb和Hg))的水平升高。在贝拉林半岛和菲利普港湾口附近的地点,锌,铬,硒和砷的身体负担较高。此外,“人工贻贝” (AM)于夏季在相同地点部署了28 d,并在收集LM时取回。比较了AM和LM夏季结果中这8种金属的积累。这表明铅,铜和铬具有显着的相关性,锌和汞的相关性较低,而硒和砷的相关性不规则。Cd的AM结果低于分析方法的检测极限。这项研究表明,AMs是用于多种痕量金属生物监测的LMs的绝佳替代品。