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Effects of Hydrocortisone and Yohimbine on decision-making under risk
Psychoneuroendocrinology ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2020.104589
Sophie Metz 1 , Tina Waiblinger-Grigull 1 , Stefan Schulreich 2 , Woo Ri Chae 1 , Christian Otte 1 , Hauke R Heekeren 3 , Katja Wingenfeld 1

INTRODUCTION Many studies have investigated the influence of stress on decision-making. However, results are equivocal and the exact role of increased noradrenaline and cortisol after stress remains unclear. Using pharmacological manipulation, we investigated the influence of noradrenergic and glucocorticoid activity on risky decision-making in a gambling task that included mixed-gamble trials (gains and losses are possible) and gain-only trials. METHODS AND MATERIALS One hundred-and-four healthy young men participated in our randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, between-group study. Participants were randomly assigned to one of four groups: (A) yohimbine, (B) hydrocortisone, (C) yohimbine and hydrocortisone, or (D) placebo. Frequency of risky choices, i.e., monetary risk taking, was the dependent variable. We also investigated the influence of hydrocortisone and yohimbine on loss aversion, which is the tendency to overweigh losses compared with gains. RESULTS Participants chose the risky option less often after receiving hydrocortisone compared with no hydrocortisone. This effect was strongest in the gain-only trials. Yohimbine had no effect. Loss aversion was not affected by hydrocortisone or yohimbine. DISCUSSION Decreased reward processing may explain the reduction of risk taking by hydrocortisone in gain-only trials. The effects of stress hormones on different decision-related constructs and processes hence require further investigation.



引言 许多研究调查了压力对决策的影响。然而,结果是模棱两可的,压力后去甲肾上腺素和皮质醇增加的确切作用仍不清楚。使用药理学操作,我们调查了去甲肾上腺素能和糖皮质激素活性对赌博任务中风险决策的影响,包括混合赌博试验(收益和损失是可能的)和仅收益试验。方法和材料 104 名健康年轻男性参加了我们的随机、双盲、安慰剂对照、组间研究。参与者被随机分配到四组之一:(A)育亨宾,(B)氢化可的松,(C)育亨宾和氢化可的松,或(D)安慰剂。风险选择的频率,即货币风险承担,是因变量。我们还研究了氢化可的松和育亨宾对损失厌恶的影响,损失厌恶是与收益相比损失过大的趋势。结果 与未接受氢化可的松相比,参与者在接受氢化可的松后较少选择风险选项。这种效果在仅增益试验中最强。育亨宾没有效果。损失厌恶不受氢化可的松或育亨宾的影响。讨论 奖励处理的减少可以解释氢化可的松在只获得收益的试验中降低风险的原因。因此,压力激素对不同决策相关结构和过程的影响需要进一步研究。结果 与未接受氢化可的松相比,参与者在接受氢化可的松后较少选择风险选项。这种效果在仅增益试验中最强。育亨宾没有效果。损失厌恶不受氢化可的松或育亨宾的影响。讨论 奖励处理的减少可以解释氢化可的松在只获得收益的试验中降低风险的原因。因此,压力激素对不同决策相关结构和过程的影响需要进一步研究。结果 与未接受氢化可的松相比,参与者在接受氢化可的松后较少选择风险选项。这种效果在仅增益试验中最强。育亨宾没有效果。损失厌恶不受氢化可的松或育亨宾的影响。讨论 奖励处理的减少可以解释氢化可的松在只获得收益的试验中降低风险的原因。因此,压力激素对不同决策相关结构和过程的影响需要进一步研究。