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Water transfer imposes hydrochemical impacts on groundwater by altering the interaction of groundwater and surface water
Journal of Hydrology ( IF 5.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.124617
Ruiqiang Yuan , Meng Wang , Shiqin Wang , Xianfang Song

Abstract How the water transfer imposes impacts on the groundwater in the water-receiving area is still unknown. Here, we employed hydrometric observations, hydrogeochemical analyses and data analysis methods to address this issue, taking one of the Yellow River water transfer project of China for example. We found that the interaction between river and groundwater is totally changed by the water transfer and the impact of the water transfer on groundwater is confined by the high stream gradient. With the water transfer, the natural annual pattern of rainy-season high river flow is inversed with low flow in rainy seasons and high flow during the water transfer. Moreover, the river stage is always higher than the groundwater level throughout the year. The usual bidirectional river–groundwater hydraulic gradient is altered to be a gradient always away from the river. The groundwater directly connects with the river water. The regime of groundwater level follows the change of the river stage, even in the valley side. A long-term standing groundwater mound is formed within the riparian zone due to the continuous recharge from the water-receiving river. The transferred Yellow River water is hydrochemically featured by high EC value and concentrations of Na+ and Cl−. The hydrochemical features of the water-receiving river are obviously changed by the transferred Yellow River water. The hydrochemical impact of the river on the groundwater is mainly confined to the riparian zone and some low-reach transections, despite of the dominated control of the river on the valley groundwater table. The high stream gradient trends to produce the downstream groundwater flow and hinder the lateral groundwater flow from river to valley sides in the upper reaches, responsible for the confined impact on groundwater. Our study highlights that the stream gradient could obviously influence the river water and groundwater interaction promoting or confining the impact of river water on groundwater.