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Interaction of mangrove surface coverage and groundwater inputs on the temperature and water level near Tulum, Quintana Roo, Mexico: observations and modelling
Journal of Hydrology ( IF 5.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.124566
Aaron Coutino , Marek Stastna , Eduard G. Reinhardt

Abstract We report on a series of high resolution sensor measurements from within the Yax Chen cave system near the city of Tulum, Quintana Roo, Mexico and a box model of mangrove-groundwater interactions. The sensors were positioned in the cave following a transect moving inland. Conductivity, water pressure and temperature data were collected at 30 min intervals for a span of two years. Temperature, water level, and conductivity records showed a response to large rainfall events (Hurricane Nate in October 2017 and Topical Storm Philippe in November 2017) which coincided with differences in surficial vegetation. Groundwater with areas of mangrove coverage showed an input of warm mangrove water as the water level receded to pre-rainfall levels and, the temperature effect was not observed in areas dominated by an upland forested terrain. A model of the groundwater-mangrove interaction was developed with an on-off switch for the flow of mangrove water into the groundwater system when the rainfall is sufficiently large. The model reproduces the observed timing difference in the temperature and conductivity response, and matches the field data during rainfall events. This model shows the effectiveness of simple box models in understanding a complicated geophysical processes and provides quantitative support to this previously hypothesized groundwater interaction.



摘要 我们报告了在墨西哥金塔纳罗奥州图卢姆市附近的 Yax Chen 洞穴系统内进行的一系列高分辨率传感器测量,以及红树林-地下水相互作用的盒子模型。在向内陆移动的横断面之后,传感器被放置在洞穴中。电导率、水压和温度数据每隔 30 分钟收集一次,持续两年。温度、水位和电导率记录显示了对大降雨事件(2017 年 10 月的飓风 Nate 和 2017 年 11 月的局部风暴菲利普)的响应,这与地表植被的差异一致。随着水位下降到降雨前的水平,红树林覆盖区域的地下水显示出温暖的红树林水的输入,并且在以高地森林地形为主的地区未观察到温度效应。当降雨量足够大时,我们开发了一个地下水-红树林相互作用模型,该模型带有一个开关,用于红树林水流入地下水系统。该模型再现了观测到的温度和电导率响应的时间差异,并与降雨事件期间的现场数据相匹配。该模型显示了简单箱模型在理解复杂地球物理过程方面的有效性,并为之前假设的地下水相互作用提供了定量支持。