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Effect of nurse crops and seeding rate on the persistence, productivity and nutritive value of sainfoin in a cereal‐based production system
Grass and Forage Science ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-24 , DOI: 10.1111/gfs.12467
Harun Cicek 1, 2 , Serkan Ates 2, 3 , Gazi Ozcan 4 , Mehmet Tezel 4 , Jennifer G. Kling 5 , Mounir Louhaichi 2 , Gurhan Keles 6

Sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia Scop.) is one of the most drought‐tolerant perennial legumes that can thrive in dry, alkaline soils. A 3‐year study in the Central Anatolian Region of Turkey compared the persistence, productivity and nutritive value of sainfoin planted with nurse crops, namely Hungarian vetch (Vicia pannonica Crantz.) or triticale (× Triticosecale Wittm, ex A. Camus), at three seeding rates. Sainfoin and nurse crop emergence were significantly affected by the companion nurse crop, sowing rate and establishment year. The number of sainfoin plants at emergence was lower during a drier “bad” year (110 plant/m2) than in a “good” precipitation year (236 plant/m2). Triticale had a more negative impact on sainfoin growth than vetch. Planting nurse crops at high seeding rates (90 kg/ha) reduced the number of sainfoin seedlings as compared to the control, while the low seeding rate had little impact on sainfoin emergence. Planting sainfoin with triticale resulted in much greater yield exceeding 10 t/ha, but reduced the forage nutritive value compared to sainfoin monocultures and sainfoin–vetch mixtures. The seeding rate of the nurse crops during a dry year did not affect DM yield in the year of establishment nor in the following year. The findings of this study indicate that planting sainfoin with a nurse crop can substantially increase the DM yield in the year of establishment without yield penalties in the subsequent years, despite fewer established plants, as compared to sainfoin monocultures.



Sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia Scop.) 是最耐旱的多年生豆科植物之一,可以在干燥的碱性土壤中茁壮成长。在土耳其中部安纳托利亚地区进行的一项为期 3 年的研究,比较了种植在匈牙利紫云英(Vicia pannonica Crantz.)或小黑麦(× Triticosecale Wittm,ex A. Camus)等苗圃作物的红豆草的持久性、生产力和营养价值。三种播种率。红豆蔻和苗木的出苗受伴生苗木、播种率和建树年份的显着影响。在较干燥的“坏”年份(110 株/平方米),出现时的红豆草植物数量低于“好”降水年份(236 株/平方米)。与野豌豆相比,小黑麦对红豆草的生长产生了更大的负面影响。与对照相比,以高播种量(90 公斤/公顷)种植护生作物减少了红豆草幼苗的数量,而低播种量对红豆草的出苗影响不大。用小黑麦种植红豆草的产量更高,超过 10 吨/公顷,但与红豆草单一栽培和红豆黄紫菜混合物相比,草料的营养价值降低了。干旱年保育作物的播种率不影响建树当年和次年的干物质产量。本研究的结果表明,尽管与红豆单种栽培相比,已种植的植物较少,但将红豆与苗圃一起种植可以显着提高建树当年的 DM 产量,而不会在随后的几年中减产。用小黑麦种植红豆草的产量更高,超过 10 吨/公顷,但与红豆草单一栽培和红豆黄紫菜混合物相比,草料的营养价值降低了。干旱年保育作物的播种率不影响建树当年和次年的干物质产量。本研究的结果表明,尽管与红豆单种栽培相比,已种植的植物较少,但将红豆与苗圃一起种植可以显着提高建树当年的 DM 产量,而不会在随后的几年中减产。用小黑麦种植红豆草的产量更高,超过 10 吨/公顷,但与红豆草单一栽培和红豆黄紫菜混合物相比,草料的营养价值降低了。干旱年保育作物的播种率不影响建树当年和次年的干物质产量。本研究的结果表明,尽管与红豆单种栽培相比,已种植的植物较少,但将红豆与苗圃一起种植可以显着提高建树当年的 DM 产量,而不会在随后的几年中减产。干旱年保育作物的播种率不影响建树当年和次年的干物质产量。本研究的结果表明,尽管与红豆单种栽培相比,已种植的植物较少,但将红豆与苗圃一起种植可以显着提高建树当年的 DM 产量,而不会在随后的几年中减产。干旱年保育作物的播种率不影响建树当年和次年的干物质产量。本研究的结果表明,尽管与红豆单种栽培相比,已种植的植物较少,但将红豆与苗圃一起种植可以显着提高建树当年的 DM 产量,而不会在随后的几年中减产。