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Investing in humanity: The BMJ's divestment campaign.
The BMJ ( IF 93.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-23 , DOI: 10.1136/bmj.m167
Kamran Abbasi 1 , Fiona Godlee 2

Health professionals and medical organisations must act now How do we restore hope for humanity? Many of us feel despair at a disintegrating political consensus to save our planet from fire, flood, disease, and conflict. We feel trapped in our high carbon lives and disempowered by commercial influence of companies whose products damage the planet and people’s wellbeing. Evidence for the effects of the politico-commercial complex is clear and alarming.1 On our current trajectory we will miss carbon emission targets and sustainable development goals, both agreed by international consensus.2 Populist politicians rubbish science confirming the harmful effects of climate change. Big business obfuscates, distorts, and denies evidence for the adverse effects of its products. When future historians, if such a future exists, look back on our stewardship of Planet Earth, what will be their judgment? That we allowed politics and profits to harm our home planet and ourselves? Health professionals and medical organisations should not accept the world as it is. This is not a matter of playing party politics or anticorporate posturing. Taking action is a duty to the people we serve and to future generations. And we can act: by divesting from health harming industries. Divestment offers health professionals and medical organisations, for the duty is both individual and collective, an opportunity to influence politicians and industry towards behaviours that are better for the planet and people’s health (box 1). Box 1 ### What do we mean by divestment for health? Divestment is the opposite of investment. It is the reduction or, as in this case, the complete removal of stocks, bonds, or investment funds that are unethical because of the harm to health.RETURN TO TEXT The case for divestment from the tobacco industry is established. Tobacco products are harmful, and the industry’s history of manipulating science on the effects of tobacco …


投资于人类:BMJ 的撤资运动。

卫生专业人员和医疗组织必须立即行动 我们如何恢复人类的希望?我们中的许多人对拯救地球免遭火灾、洪水、疾病和冲突的政治共识正在瓦解感到绝望。我们感到被困在我们的高碳生活中,并被那些产品损害地球和人类福祉的公司的商业影响力所剥夺。政治-商业综合体的影响的证据是明确而令人担忧的。1 在我们目前的轨迹上,我们将错过国际共识同意的碳排放目标和可持续发展目标。2 民粹主义政客垃圾科学证实气候变化的有害影响。大企业混淆、歪曲和否认其产品不利影响的证据。当未来的历史学家,如果这样的未来存在,回顾我们对地球的管理,他们的判断是什么?我们允许政治和利润伤害我们的家园和我们自己吗?卫生专业人员和医疗组织不应接受世界的现状。这不是玩党派政治或反公司姿态的问题。采取行动是对我们所服务的人民​​和子孙后代的责任。我们可以采取行动:从危害健康的行业中剥离出来。撤资为卫生专业人员和医疗组织提供了机会,因为责任既是个人的也是集体的,这是一个机会,可以影响政治家和工业界采取有利于地球和人民健康的行为(框 1)。方框 1 ### 我们所说的健康撤资是什么意思?撤资是投资的反面。它是减少或在这种情况下完全清除库存,因危害健康而不道德的债券或投资基金。返回文本 从烟草业撤资的理由成立。烟草制品是有害的,该行业操纵科学对烟草影响的历史……