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Better health and wellbeing for all
The BMJ ( IF 93.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-23 , DOI: 10.1136/bmj.m250
David J Hunter , Richard Alderslade

The challenges facing new WHO leadership in Europe
The imminent change of leadership at the top of the World Health Organization’s European region gives member states an important opportunity to extend policy making on health and wellbeing for all. Hans Kluge takes over as European regional director from Zsuzsanna Jakab in early February, having been elected last September by a large majority of member states. This makes it an opportune time to take stock and consider what has been achieved and what more needs to be done under new leadership.
Health has improved across the WHO European region, but not everywhere and not equally. For example, life expectancy varies between 70 and 83.1 years across countries.1 The region faces many challenges, including a high burden of non-communicable diseases; the increasing prevalence of mental health problems; health effects of climate change; inequitable access to, and affordability of, care and medicines; increasing migration; shortages of healthcare workers; and poor progress in realising the opportunities in digital health.
Dealing with these challenges requires …



欧洲区域最高层领导层的迫在眉睫的变化为成员国提供了一个重要的机会,可以扩大有关全民健康和福祉的政策制定。汉斯·克鲁格(Hans Kluge)于2月初从祖苏珊娜·雅卡布(Zsuzsanna Jakab)接任欧洲区域总监,该职位于去年9月由绝大多数成员国选出。这使人们有机会评估和思考在新领导下取得的成就和需要做的事情。