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Women anaesthesiologists' attitudes and reported barriers to career advancement in anaesthesia: a survey of the European Society of Anaesthesiology.
British Journal of Anaesthesia ( IF 9.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-21 , DOI: 10.1016/j.bja.2020.01.005
Idit Matot 1 , Stefan De Hert 2 , Barak Cohen 3 , Thea Koch 4

BACKGROUND Previous studies have confirmed gender imbalance in anaesthesia leadership. Whether women anaesthesiologists aspire to career advancement has not been reported. This European Society of Anaesthesiology (ESA) survey explored anaesthesiologists' motivation to advance their careers into leadership positions, and to identify reported barriers to advancement. METHODS ESA members (n=10 033, 5245 men, 3759 women, 1029 undefined) were invited to complete a 25-item, Internet-based survey, and responses were analysed thematically. RESULTS In total, 3048 ESA members (1706 women, 1342 men, 30% of all members) responded to the survey. The majority were specialists, married or with a partner, and have children; 47% of women and 48% of men wish to pursue a leadership career. Barriers to career promotion noted by women were primarily attributed to work-private time considerations (extra workload and less personal time [84%], responsibility for care of family [65%], lack of part-time work opportunities [67%]), and the shift away from clinical work [59%]). Men respondents indicated the same barriers although the proportions were significantly lower. Considerations related to the partner (lack of support, career development of partner) were last on the list of variables reported by women as barriers. Importantly, many women noted deficiencies in leadership (68%) and research education (55%), and women role models (41%) and self-confidence (44%). CONCLUSIONS This is the largest survey to date of women anaesthesiologists' view on career advancement. Despite the many barriers noted by women, they are as eager as men to assume leadership positions. The survey results help in identifying possible areas for intervention to assist in career development.



背景技术先前的研究已经证实了麻醉领导中的性别失衡。女性麻醉医师是否渴望职业发展尚未见报道。这项欧洲麻醉学会(ESA)的调查探索了麻醉师将自己的职业晋升为领导职务并确定所报告的晋升障碍的动机。方法邀请ESA成员(n = 10033,男性5245,女性3759,未定义1029)完成一项基于互联网的25个项目的调查,并进行主题分析。结果总共有3048名ESA成员(1706名女性,1342名男性,占所有成员的30%)对调查做出了回应。多数是专家,已婚或有伴侣,并有子女;47%的女性和48%的男性希望从事领导职业。妇女指出的促进职业发展的障碍主要归因于非工作时间的考虑(额外的工作量和较少的个人时间[84%],照顾家庭的责任[65%],缺乏兼职工作的机会[67%]) ,并且远离临床工作[59%])。男性受访者表示相同的障碍,尽管所占比例明显降低。与伴侣有关的考虑因素(缺乏支持,伴侣的职业发展)在妇女报告的障碍变量列表中排在最后。重要的是,许多妇女指出领导能力(68%)和研究教育(55%),妇女的榜样(41%)和自信心(44%)不足。结论这是迄今为止女性麻醉医师关于职业发展的最大规模的调查。尽管女性指出了许多障碍,他们和男人一样渴望担任领导职务。调查结果有助于确定可能的干预领域,以协助职业发展。