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Autocamera Calibration for traffic surveillance cameras with wide angle lenses
arXiv - CS - Robotics Pub Date : 2020-01-20 , DOI: arxiv-2001.07243
Aman Gajendra Jain, Nicolas Saunier

We propose a method for automatic calibration of a traffic surveillance camera with wide-angle lenses. Video footage of a few minutes is sufficient for the entire calibration process to take place. This method takes in the height of the camera from the ground plane as the only user input to overcome the scale ambiguity. The calibration is performed in two stages, 1. Intrinsic Calibration 2. Extrinsic Calibration. Intrinsic calibration is achieved by assuming an equidistant fisheye distortion and an ideal camera model. Extrinsic calibration is accomplished by estimating the two vanishing points, on the ground plane, from the motion of vehicles at perpendicular intersections. The first stage of intrinsic calibration is also valid for thermal cameras. Experiments have been conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach on visible as well as thermal cameras. Index Terms: fish-eye, calibration, thermal camera, intelligent transportation systems, vanishing points



我们提出了一种使用广角镜头自动校准交通监控摄像机的方法。几分钟的视频片段足以进行整个校准过程。该方法将相机距地平面的高度作为唯一的用户输入来克服尺度模糊。校准分两个阶段进行,1. 内部校准 2. 外部校准。通过假设等距鱼眼失真和理想的相机模型来实现内部校准。外部校准是通过根据车辆在垂直交叉点的运动估计地平面上的两个消失点来完成的。内在校准的第一阶段也适用于热像仪。已经进行了实验以证明这种方法在可见光和热像仪上的有效性。索引词:鱼眼、标定、热像仪、智能交通系统、消失点