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Inuit cultural practices increase local-scale biodiversity and create novel vegetation communities in Nunatsiavut (Labrador, Canada)
Biodiversity and Conservation ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-21 , DOI: 10.1007/s10531-020-01931-9
Erica Oberndorfer , Todd Broomfield , Jeremy Lundholm , Gita Ljubicic


Interpreting present-day biodiversity patterns requires an understanding of the cumulative historic and contemporary effects of cultural practices on ecosystems. Research in ecology is increasingly acknowledging the wide-ranging and enduring effects of cultural practices in shaping landscapes, but long-term transformative effects of Indigenous peoples on landscape are less recognised in the Circumpolar North. The objectives of this research are to determine whether the built environments (BEs) at fishing places express persistent differences in plant communities, compared with visually undisturbed patches at these same sites; and whether plant communities differ in response to Inuit and commercial fishing legacies. This work occurred near the Inuit Community of Makkovik (Nunatsiavut; Labrador, Canada). We surveyed vascular plant community composition at BE patches with Inuit and commercial fishing histories, and at visibly undisturbed patches, and measured soil characteristics including depth, pH and chemical composition. Habitats with BE legacies have plant communities with distinct species composition and abundance. Additionally, plant communities of BEs with Inuit cultural legacies have unique species assemblages, including a high proportion of native, disturbance-tolerant calciphiles. Soil nutrient inputs from Inuit harvesting practices have positive impacts on biodiversity at small scales. Soil analysis indicates that some visually undisturbed patches have cultural legacies that are not expressed by vegetation patterns, and that mechanical disturbance is also a factor shaping the plant communities of BEs. Inuit cultural practices have increased beta diversity in Circumpolar landscapes. We propose that effective biodiversity conservation planning must actively support Indigenous cultural practices that drive biodiversity.




