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Coscattering in next-to-minimal dark matter and split supersymmetry
Journal of High Energy Physics ( IF 5.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-01 , DOI: 10.1007/jhep01(2020)113
F. Brümmer

In some models of thermal relic dark matter, the relic abundance may be set by inelastic scattering processes (rather than annihilations) becoming inefficient as the universe cools down. This effect has been called coscattering. We present a procedure to numerically solve the full momentum-dependent Boltzmann equations in coscattering, which allows for a precise calculation of the dark matter relic density including the effects of early kinetic decoupling. We apply our method to a simple model, containing a fermionic SU(2) triplet and a fermionic singlet with electroweak-scale masses, at small triplet-singlet mixing. The relic density can be set by either coannihilation or, at values of the mixing angle θ . 10−5, by coscattering. We identify the parameter ranges which give rise to the observed relic abundance. As a special case, we study bino-like dark matter in split supersymmetry at large μ.



在一些热遗迹暗物质模型中,遗迹丰度可能是由非弹性散射过程(而不是湮灭)设置的,随着宇宙冷却变得效率低下。这种效应被称为协同散射。我们提出了一个程序来数值求解协同散射中完全依赖动量的玻尔兹曼方程,这允许精确计算暗物质遗物密度,包括早期动力学解耦的影响。我们将我们的方法应用于一个简单的模型,该模型包含一个费米子 SU(2) 三重态和一个具有电弱尺度质量的费米子单重态,在小的三重态-单重态混合下。遗物密度可以通过混杂或混合角 θ 的值来设置。10−5,通过共散射。我们确定了引起观察到的遗迹丰度的参数范围。作为特例,