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School suspension predicts trichomoniasis five years later in a matched sample.
BMC Public Health ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-20 , DOI: 10.1186/s12889-020-8197-8
Janet E Rosenbaum 1

BACKGROUND Young adults who were suspended from school during adolescence are more likely than matched non-suspended youth to be arrested, on probation, or not graduate from high school, which are STI risk factors. This study evaluates whether suspension is a marker for STI risk among young adults who avoid subsequent negative effects. METHODS This study evaluated whether suspension predicts a positive test for chlamydia, gonorrhea, or trichomoniasis in a urine sample using matched sampling in the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent and Adult Health (Add Health), and evaluated potential mediators between suspension and STI status using causal mediation analysis. We used Mahalanobis and exact matched sampling within propensity score calipers to compare 381 youth suspended for the first time in a 1-year period with 980 non-suspended youth. The suspended and non-suspended youth were similar on 67 pre-suspension variables. We evaluated STI outcomes 5 years after suspension. RESULTS Before matching, suspended youth were more likely to test positive for trichomoniasis and gonorrhea, but not chlamydia, than non-suspended youth. Suspended youth were more likely to test positive for trichomoniasis 5 years after suspension than matched non-suspended youth (OR = 2.87 (1.40, 5.99)). Below-median household income before suspension explained 9% of the suspension-trichomoniasis association (p = 0.02), but criminal justice involvement and educational attainment were not statistically significantly mediators. CONCLUSIONS School suspension is a marker for STI risk. Punishing adolescents for initial deviance may cause them to associate with riskier sexual networks even if they graduate high school and avoid criminal justice system involvement. Suspension may compound disadvantages for youth from below-median-income families, who have fewer resources for recovering from setbacks.



背景 青春期期间被停学的年轻人比匹配的非停学青少年更有可能被捕、缓刑或高中未毕业,这些都是性传播感染的危险因素。这项研究评估了停学是否是避免后续负面影响的年轻人中性传播感染风险的一个标志。方法 本研究使用国家青少年和成人健康纵向研究(Add Health)中的匹配抽样评估了停药是否可以预测尿样中衣原体、淋病或滴虫病检测呈阳性,并使用因果关系评估了停药与性传播感染状态之间的潜在中介因素。中介分析。我们使用马哈拉诺比斯和倾向评分卡尺内的精确匹配抽样,将 381 名在一年内首次被停学的青少年与 980 名未被停学的青少年进行了比较。停学前和未停学的青少年在 67 个停学前变量上相似。我们评估了暂停 5 年后的性传播感染结果。结果 在匹配之前,与未停学的青少年相比,停学的青少年更有可能检测出滴虫病和淋病阳性,但衣原体检测结果不呈阳性。与匹配的非停学青少年相比,停学 5 年后,停学青少年更有可能检测出滴虫病阳性(OR = 2.87 (1.40, 5.99))。停学前低于中位数的家庭收入解释了停学与滴虫病关联的 9% (p = 0.02),但刑事司法参与和教育程度并不是统计上显着的中介因素。结论 学校停课是性传播感染风险的一个标志。对青少年最初的越轨行为进行惩罚可能会导致他们与风险更高的性网络联系在一起,即使他们高中毕业并避免了刑事司法系统的介入。 停学可能会加剧来自中等收入以下家庭的青少年的不利条件,因为他们从挫折中恢复的资源较少。