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"A Glance Back" at the Journals of Gerontology: We've Come a Long Way, Baby!
The Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-20 , DOI: 10.1093/gerona/glz170
Holly M Brown-Borg 1

Oh my! Times have changed and science has advanced dramatically since Louis Hellman published on aging and pregnancy outcomes in one of the very first articles in the Journals of Gerontology in 1946 (1). The times: Dr. Hellman stated that obstetricians arbitrarily determined that 35 years of age was the end of youth and beginning of old age for reproduction in women and particularly so for primiparous women, who were termed “elderly” at age 35. Pregnancy beyond this age was thought to be perilous for the mother and infant mostly due to toxemia, myomata (fibroids), and complications of middle-agedness (heart and kidney disease, diabetes). Currently, the age of 35 is not considered middle age, let alone old age, or elderly as the number of women waiting to have their families until later in life has risen steadily. Pregnancy outcome in women of advanced age has improved with advancements in perinatology, and it has been proposed that the definition of the period of obstetric risk be postponed until after age 40 or perhaps age 45 (2–4). In addition, diseases of the middle aged in 1946 differ markedly from those in the 21st century where gestational diabetes mellitus, hypertensive disorders, and pre-eclampsia are among the concerns of physicians today. In addition, life expectancy for women in 1940 was 65.2 years, whereas in 2017, this number is 81.1 years (5).



天啊!自1946年路易斯·海尔曼(Louis Hellman)在《老年学杂志》(Journal of Gerontology)的第一篇文章之一中发表衰老和妊娠结局以来,时代已经发生了变化,科学取得了突飞猛进的发展(1)。时代:Hellman博士说,妇产科医生任意确定35岁是青春的终结,是女性生殖的起点,尤其是初产女性,她们在35岁时被称为“老年人”。年龄被认为对母婴有害,主要是由于毒血症,肌瘤(肌瘤)和中年并发症(心脏和肾脏疾病,糖尿病)所致。目前,不考虑将35岁视为中年,更不用说老年或老年人了,因为等到晚年才有家人的妇女人数稳步上升。随着围产期检查技术的发展,高龄妇女的妊娠结局已有所改善,有人建议将产科危险期的定义推迟到40岁或45岁以后(2-4岁)。此外,1946年的中年疾病与21世纪的疾病明显不同,21世纪的妊娠糖尿病,高血压疾病和先兆子痫是当今医师关注的问题。此外,1940年女性的预期寿命为65.2岁,而2017年则为81.1岁(5)。1946年的中年疾病与21世纪的疾病明显不同,21世纪的妊娠糖尿病,高血压疾病和先兆子痫是当今医师关注的问题。此外,1940年女性的预期寿命为65.2岁,而2017年则为81.1岁(5)。1946年的中年疾病与21世纪的疾病明显不同,21世纪的妊娠糖尿病,高血压疾病和先兆子痫是当今医师关注的问题。此外,1940年女性的预期寿命为65.2岁,而2017年则为81.1岁(5)。