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A Soft Transporter Robot Fueled by Light.
Advanced Science ( IF 14.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-20 , DOI: 10.1002/advs.201902842
Marina Pilz da Cunha 1, 2 , Sebastiaan Ambergen 1, 3 , Michael G Debije 1, 2 , Erik F G A Homburg 1, 3 , Jaap M J den Toonder 1, 3 , Albert P H J Schenning 1, 2

Mobile organisms with ability for locomotion and transportation, such as humans and other animals, utilize orchestrated actuation to perform actions. Mimicking these functionalities in synthetic, light-responsive untethered soft-bodied devices remains a challenge. Inspired by multitasking and mobile biological systems, an untethered soft transporter robot with controlled multidirectional locomotion with the ability of picking up, transporting, and delivering cargo driven entirely by blue light is created. The soft robot design is an ensemble of light-responsive liquid crystalline polymers that can harness motion either collectively or individually to obtain a high degree of motion control for the execution of advanced tasks in a dry environment. Through orchestrated motion of the device's "legs", single displacement strides, which exceed 4 mm and can be taken in any direction, allow for locomotion around objects. Untethered cargo transportation is demonstrated by a pickup and release mechanism using the device's "arms". This strategy demonstrates the constructive harnessing of orchestrated motion in assemblies of established actuators, performing complex functions, mimicking constructive behavior seen in nature.



具有运动和运输能力的移动生物体,例如人类和其他动物,利用精心策划的驱动来执行动作。在合成的、光响应的、不受束缚的软体设备中模仿这些功能仍然是一个挑战。受多任务和移动生物系统的启发,创建了一种不受束缚的软运输机器人,具有受控的多向运动,能够完全由蓝光驱动拾取、运输和交付货物。软机器人设计是光响应液晶聚合物的集合,可以集体或单独地利用运动来获得高度的运动控制,以便在干燥环境中执行高级任务。通过设备“腿”的协调运动,超过 4 毫米且可以向任何方向迈出的单位移步幅,允许围绕物体移动。通过使用设备“手臂”的拾取和释放机制来演示不受束缚的货物运输。该策略展示了在已建立的执行器组件中对协调运动的建设性利用,执行复杂的功能,模仿自然界中看到的建设性行为。