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Dissemination of quinolone resistant Escherichia coli in the Norwegian broiler and pig production chain, and possible persistence in the broiler production environment
Applied and Environmental Microbiology ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-17
Kaspersen, H., Sekse, C., Fiskebeck, E. Z., Slettemeas, J. S., Simm, R., Norström, M., Urdahl, A. M., Lagesen, K.

In Norway, the use of quinolones in livestock populations is very low, and prophylactic use is prohibited. Despite this, quinolone resistant E. coli (QREC) are present at low levels in several animal species. The source of these QREC is unknown. The aim of this study was to characterize and compare QREC from different animal species to identify putative factors that may promote the occurrence of QREC. A total of 280 QREC isolates, from broilers, pigs, red foxes and wild birds, were whole genome sequenced and analysed. Well-known chromosomal and plasmid-mediated resistance mechanisms were identified. In addition, mutations in marR, marA and rpoB causing novel amino acid substitutions in their respective proteins were detected. Phylogenetic analyses were used to determine the relationships between the isolates. Quinolone resistance mechanism patterns appeared to follow sequence type groups. Similar QREC isolates with similar resistance mechanism patterns were detected from the samples, and further phylogenetic analysis indicated close evolutionary relationships between specific isolates from different sources. This suggests dissemination of highly similar QREC isolates between animal species, and also persistence of QREC strains within the broiler production chain. This highlights the importance of both control measures at the top of the production chain, as well as biosecurity measures to avoid further dissemination and persistence of QREC in these environments.

Significance of study Since antimicrobial usage is low in Norwegian animal husbandry, Norway is an ideal country to study antimicrobial resistance in the absence of selective pressure from antimicrobial usage. In particular, the usage of quinolones is very low, which makes it possible to investigate the spread and development of quinolone resistance in natural environments. Comparing quinolone resistant E. coli (QREC) from livestock and wild animals in light of this low quinolone usage provides new insights into the development and dissemination of QREC in both natural- and production environments. With this information, preventive measures may be taken to prevent further dissemination within Norwegian livestock and between other animals, thus maintaining the favourable situation in Norway.




