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So many roads traveled: A career in science and administration.
Journal of Biological Chemistry ( IF 4.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-17 , DOI: 10.1074/jbc.x119.012206
James R Halpert 1

I have traveled many roads during my career. After spending my first 19 years in Los Angeles, I became somewhat of an academic nomad, studying and/or working in six universities in the United States and three in Sweden. In chronological order, I have a B.A. in Scandinavian languages and literature from UCLA, a Ph.D. in biochemistry from Uppsala University, and an M.S. in toxicology from the Karolinska Institute. I have been in schools of natural science, pharmacy, and medicine and have worked in multiple basic science departments and one clinical department. I have served as a research-track and tenured faculty member, department chair, associate dean, and dean. My research has spanned toxinology, biochemistry, toxicology, and pharmacology. Through all the moves, I have gained much and lost some. For the past 40 years, my interest has been cytochrome P450 structure-function and structure-activity relationships. My lab has focused on CYP2B enzymes using X-ray crystallography, site-directed mutagenesis, deuterium-exchange MS, isothermal titration calorimetry, and computational methods in conjunction with a variety of functional assays. This comprehensive approach has enabled detailed understanding of the structural basis of the remarkable substrate promiscuity of CYP2B enzymes. We also have investigated the mechanisms of CYP3A4 allostery using biophysical and advanced spectroscopic techniques, and discovered a pivotal role of P450-P450 interactions and of multiple-ligand binding. A major goal of this article is to provide lessons that may be useful to scientists in the early and middle stages of their careers and those more senior scientists contemplating an administrative move.



在我的职业生涯中,我走过许多路。在洛杉矶度过最初的19年后,我成为了一名学术游牧民族,在美国的六所大学和瑞典的三所大学学习和/或工作。按照时间顺序,我拥有UCLA博士学位的斯堪的纳维亚语言和文学学士学位。拥有乌普萨拉大学(University of Uppsala University)生物化学专业的博士学位,以及卡罗林斯卡学院(Karolinska Institute)的毒理学硕士学位。我曾在自然科学,药学和医学学校任职,曾在多个基础科学系和一个临床系工作。我曾担任研究班主任和终身教职,系主任,副院长和院长。我的研究涉及毒素学,生物化学,毒理学和药理学。通过所有的动作,我收获了很多,却失去了一些。在过去的40年中,我感兴趣的是细胞色素P450的结构功能和结构活性关系。我的实验室专注于使用X射线晶体学,定点诱变,氘交换MS,等温滴定量热法和计算方法以及各种功能测定的CYP2B酶。这种全面的方法已使人们对CYP2B酶显着底物混杂的结构基础有了详细的了解。我们还研究了使用生物物理和先进的光谱技术对CYP3A4构象的机制,并发现了P450-P450相互作用和多配体结合的关键作用。