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Land use conversion influences soil respiration across a desert-oasis ecoregion in Northwest China, with consideration of cold season CO2 efflux and its significance
Catena ( IF 5.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-16 , DOI: 10.1016/j.catena.2020.104460
Yongyong Zhang , Wenzhi Zhao , Li Fu , Chun Zhao , Angyuan Jia

Quantifying annual soil CO2 emissions and the effects of physical and geochemical factors on soil CO2 efflux will improve the carbon budget estimates, as well as enhance predictions of how soil CO2 emission will response to climate change in arid areas. To data, variability in soil respiration rates caused by land use conversion in the desert-oasis ecoregion of Northwest China remains poorly characterized, especially the contribution of cold season (November-February) CO2 emission. Soil respiration was measured in a Haloxylon ammodendron desert shrubland, a Zea mays cropland, a Populus gansuensis forest, and a Tamarix chinensis Lour wetland using a LI-COR 8100 Soil Respiration Observation System from April 2016 to March 2019. Annual soil CO2 emissions totaled 176, 778, 918, and 397 g C m−2 in the desert shrubland, cropland, forest, and wetland, respectively. The ratio of cold season CO2 emissions to the annual varied from 6 to 15% across ecosystems. Therefore, ignoring cold season CO2 emissions would lead to underestimates of carbon losses in the desert-oasis ecoregion. The soil respiration rate at 10 °C was influenced by soil organic carbon content in all four ecosystems. In the cropland and forest, soil respiration rate was affected by the interaction of soil moisture and soil temperature, while in the wetland and desert shrubland, soil respiration was sensitive to a single factor, soil temperature. Land use conversion induced differences in organic matter accumulation, soil temperature, and soil moisture, and as a consequence, produced variability in soil respiration rates across the desert-oasis ecoregion.
