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N17 Profile of ostomy patients treated at a referral hospital for inflammatory bowel disease
Journal of Crohn's and Colitis ( IF 8.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-15 , DOI: 10.1093/ecco-jcc/jjz203.1000
J Barros 1 , G Herrerias 1 , L Oliveira 1 , J Baima 1 , R Alencar 2 , R Saad-Hossne 3 , L Sassaki 1

As part of the surgical treatment of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), sometimes is necessary the intestinal stoma. The aim of this study is to identify the profile of ostomy patients treated at a referral public hospital in IBD in Brazil.
This is a descriptive study with a quantitative approach. The sample consisted of all patients who underwent stoma surgery at a referral public hospital in IBD in Brazil. The inclusion criteria were: to have a medical diagnosis of Crohn’s Disease (CD) or Ulcerative Colitis (UC) and to have or have had intestinal stoma. Data collection was performed through the analysis of patient records.
The number of patients attending the outpatient clinic is approximately 200 with UC and 150 with DC. The sample consisted of 33 patients, the majority of male gender (51.52%), age between 22 to 77 years (44.55 ± 15.10), literate (93.94%), self-declared white (84.85%), coming from the state of São Paulo (96.97%), smokers (6.06%), alcoholics (3.03%), married (63.64%) and the number of children ranged from 01 to 10. Regarding the characteristics related to IBD, 15 (45.45%) were diagnosed with CD, 6 (40%) were fistulising ileocolonic type and 18 (54.55%) were diagnosed with UC and most with pancolitis (88.89%). The average time of illness was 14.2 years. Among the causes of the stoma, the most frequent were perforating acute abdomen (n = 5, 15.15%), severe acute colitis (n = 4, 12.12%), obstructive acute abdomen (n = 4, 12.12%), toxic megacolon. (n = 3, 9.09%) and neoplasia (n = 2, 6.06%). Regarding the character of the surgery, 10 (30.30%) were urgency and emergency and 11 (33.33%) elective. Only 5 (15.15%) surgeries performed the previous demarcation of the stoma. Regarding the types of stoma, 4 (12.12%) had temporary colostomy and 3 (9.09%) permanent, 16 (48.48%) had temporary ileostomy and 3 (9.09%) permanent. The average time of stoma was 3.19 years. 2 (6.06%) colostomised and 9 (27.27%) ileostomised reversed the stoma. 2 (6.06%) patients refused intestinal reconstruction.
The study results showed us that IBD with more severe extension and behaviour can result in intestinal ostomy, either temporary or permanent. The characterisation of ostomised patients is necessary for the identification of nursing needs to be highlighted, such as the previous demarcation of the stoma.



前往门诊就诊的患者数量约为UC的200名,DC的150名。该样本包括33位患者,其中大部分为男性(51.52%),年龄在22至77岁之间(44.55±15.10),有文化素养(93.94%),自称白人(84.85%),来自圣保罗州。保罗(96.97%),烟民(6.06%),酗酒者(3.03%),已婚(63.64%)和儿童数量从01到10不等。关于IBD的特征,被诊断出CD的有15名(45.45%) ,有6例(40%)为瘘管型回肠结肠型,18例(54.55%)被诊断为UC,多数为胰腺炎(88.89%)。平均生病时间为14.2年。在造口的原因中,最常见的是穿孔的急性腹部(n = 5,15.15%),严重的急性结肠炎(n = 4,12.12%),阻塞性的急性腹部(n = 4,12.12%),有毒的巨结肠。(n = 3,9.09%)和瘤形成(n = 2,6.06%)。关于手术的特点,紧急和紧急情况为10(30.30%),选择性的为11(33.33%)。以前只有5个(15.15%)外科手术完成了气孔的划分。关于造口的类型,临时造口术占4例(12.12%),永久性造口术占3例(9.09%),临时造口造口术16例(48.48%),永久造瘘术3例(9.09%)。造口的平均时间为3.19年。2例(6.06%)吻合口和9例(27.27%)吻合口反了口。2名(6.06%)患者拒绝肠道重建。48%的患者有暂时性回肠造口术,而3例(9.09%)则有永久性回肠造口术。造口的平均时间为3.19年。2例(6.06%)吻合口和9例(27.27%)吻合口反了口。2名(6.06%)患者拒绝肠道重建。48%的患者有暂时性回肠造口术,而3例(9.09%)则有永久性回肠造口术。造口的平均时间为3.19年。2例(6.06%)吻合口和9例(27.27%)吻合口反了口。2名(6.06%)患者拒绝肠道重建。