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P158 Semi-automated detection of qualitative features of Crohn’s disease activity found on CT-enterography using machine learning
Journal of Crohn's and Colitis ( IF 8.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-15 , DOI: 10.1093/ecco-jcc/jjz203.287
R Stidham 1, 2, 3 , B Enchakalody 3, 4 , A Waljee 1, 2, 5 , G Su 3 , M Al-Hawary 1, 3, 6 , A Wasnik 3, 6

Imaging is essential in the assessment of Crohn’s disease (CD) severity, phenotype, and therapeutic response. However, qualitative findings can be limited by interobserver variation and ambiguous feature definitions. Our aim was to evaluate computational approaches for identifying qualitative disease features using CT-enterography (CTE).
CD subjects with ileal CD and CTE imaging between 2009 and 2017 were retrospective identified at a single tertiary care centre. CTE scans were reviewed by two fellowship-trained abdominal radiologists who labelled diseased and normal bowel transitions agreeing on definitions of qualitative findings prior to labelling. Computed intestinal features were used by machine learning methods (k-nearest neighbour, support vector machines, random forest) to model regions of diseased bowel and predict qualitative findings with 5-fold cross validation. Cohen’s kappa with quadratic weighting was used to assess agreement between radiologists and model predictions.
In 206 unique patients, 548 small bowel segments underwent paired radiologist review for qualitative imaging findings. Automated localisation of diseased vs. normal bowel segments had excellent performance, with an AUC, PPV, and NPV of 0.922, 0.924, and 0.918, respectively (Figure 1). Radiologist-to-Radiologist and Radiologist-to-automated prediction agreement on qualitative findings are shown in Table 1. Agreement on the degree of mural enhancement between radiologists was very good (k = 0.75,95% CI 0.68–0.82), with nearly identical agreement (k = 0.75, 95% CI 0.72–0.79) between radiologists and automated grading models.Table 1.Agreement of qualitative imaging findings of Crohn’s disease between radiologists and automated methodsRadiologist–radiologistAutomated prediction performanceKappa (95% CI)Kappa (95% CI)PPVNPVAUCBowel Wall Thickening0.75 (0.69–0.81)0.77 (0.74–0.80)85.6%91.1%0.922Lumen Narrowing0.55 (0.49–0.61)0.65 (0.60–0.69)73.9%90.2%0.859Mural Stratification0.76 (0.71–0.81)0.51 (0.46–0.56)65.2%87.0%0.809Fat Stranding0.34 (0.27–0.41)0.26 (0.18–0.33)77.4%88.7%0.879Vascular Engorgement0.61 (0.51–0.71)0.14 (0.06–0.22)47.4%91.6%0.909Figure 1.Example figure of a section of distal ileum affected by Crohn’s disease with radiologist and predicted qualitative findings shown. Automated disease segment identification was very good with an AUC of 0.922, reflecting both disease/non-disease prediction and spatial localisation of disease.
Computer vision methods have excellent performance for automatically distinguishing diseased from normal ileum and show potential for qualitative disease assessments of Crohn’s disease on CTEs.



在206位独特的患者中,对548个小肠段进行了放射放射科医生复查,以获取定性影像学检查结果。患病肠段与正常肠段的自动定位具有出色的性能,AUC,PPV和NPV分别为0.922、0.924和0.918(图1)。表1显示了放射科医生对放射科医生和放射科医生对定性发现的自动预测协议。放射科医生之间壁画增强程度的协议非常好(k = 0.75,95%CI 0.68–0.82),几乎相同放射科医生与自动分级模型之间的一致性(k = 0.75,95%CI 0.72–0.79)。表1.放射科医生与自动化方法之间克罗恩病定性影像学发现的一致性放射科医生-放射科医生自动化预测性能卡帕(95%CI)卡帕(95%CI PPVNPVAUC牛墙增厚0。75(0.69–0.81)0.77(0.74–0.80)85.6%91.1%0.922流明变窄0.55(0.49–0.61)0.65(0.60–0.69)73.9%90.2%0.859壁垒0.76(0.71-0.81)0.51(0.46– 0.56)65.2%87.0%0.809脂肪搁浅0.34(0.27–0.41)0.26(0.18–0.33)77.4%88.7%0.879血管充盈0.61(0.51-0.71)0.14(0.06-0.22)47.4%91.6%0.909图1。放射科医师对受克罗恩病影响的回肠远端切片的示例图,并显示了预测的定性结果。疾病区段的自动识别非常好,AUC为0.922,既反映了疾病/非疾病预测,又反映了疾病的空间定位。51-0.71)0.14(0.06-0.22)47.4%91.6%0.909图1.放射科医师对受克罗恩病影响的回肠远端切片的示例图,并显示了预期的定性结果。疾病区段的自动识别非常好,AUC为0.922,既反映了疾病/非疾病预测,又反映了疾病的空间定位。51-0.71)0.14(0.06-0.22)47.4%91.6%0.909图1.放射科医师对受克罗恩病影响的回肠远端切片的示例图,并显示了预期的定性结果。疾病区段的自动识别非常好,AUC为0.922,既反映了疾病/非疾病预测,又反映了疾病的空间定位。