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An artificial habitat increases the reproductive fitness of a range-shifting species within a newly colonized ecosystem.
Scientific Reports ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-17 , DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-56228-x
Zachary J Cannizzo 1 , Susan Q Lang 2 , Bryan Benitez-Nelson 2 , Blaine D Griffen 3

When a range-shifting species colonizes an ecosystem it has not previously inhabited, it may experience suboptimal conditions that challenge its continued persistence and expansion. Some impacts may be partially mitigated by artificial habitat analogues: artificial habitats that more closely resemble a species' historic ecosystem than the surrounding habitat. If conditions provided by such habitats increase reproductive success, they could be vital to the expansion and persistence of range-shifting species. We investigated the reproduction of the mangrove tree crab Aratus pisonii in its historic mangrove habitat, the suboptimal colonized salt marsh ecosystem, and on docks within the marsh, an artificial mangrove analogue. Crabs were assessed for offspring production and quality, as well as measures of maternal investment and egg quality. Aratus pisonii found on docks produced more eggs, more eggs per unit energy investment, and higher quality larvae than conspecifics in the surrounding salt marsh. Yet, crabs in the mangrove produced the highest quality larvae. Egg lipids suggest these different reproductive outcomes result from disparities in the quality of diet-driven maternal investments, particularly key fatty acids. This study suggests habitat analogues may increase the reproductive fitness of range-shifting species allowing more rapid expansion into, and better persistence in, colonized ecosystems.



当范围变化的物种在以前从未居住过的生态系统中定殖时,它可能会遇到挑战其持续存续和扩张的次佳条件。人工栖息地类似物可能会部分缓解某些影响:与周围栖息地更像物种历史生态系统的人工栖息地。如果这些生境提供的条件增加了繁殖成功率,那么它们对于范围转移物种的扩展和持久性可能至关重要。我们调查了红树林蟹Aratus pisonii在其历史悠久的红树林栖息地,次优殖民化盐沼生态系统中以及在人工沼泽红树林类似物的沼泽码头上的繁殖情况。对螃蟹的后代产量和质量进行了评估,并评估了母体投资和蛋品质。与周围的盐沼中的同种异体相比,在码头上发现的Aratus pisonii产的卵更多,单位能量投资所产生的卵更多,幼虫的质量更高。然而,红树林中的螃蟹产生了最高质量的幼虫。鸡蛋脂质表明这些不同的生殖结果是由饮食驱动的母体投资,尤其是关键脂肪酸的质量差异造成的。这项研究表明,栖息地类似物可能会提高范围转移物种的繁殖适应性,从而使它们能够更快地扩展到殖民生态系统中,并在殖民生态系统中有更好的持久性。鸡蛋脂质表明这些不同的生殖结果是由饮食驱动的母体投资,尤其是关键脂肪酸的质量差异造成的。这项研究表明,栖息地类似物可能会提高范围转移物种的繁殖适应性,从而使它们能够更快地扩展到殖民生态系统中,并在殖民生态系统中有更好的持久性。鸡蛋脂质表明这些不同的生殖结果是由饮食驱动的母体投资,特别是关键脂肪酸的质量差异造成的。这项研究表明,栖息地类似物可能会提高范围转移物种的繁殖适应性,从而使它们能够更快地扩展到被殖民的生态系统中,并在被栖息的生态系统中具有更好的持久性。