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Age at first marriage, age at first sex, family size preferences, contraception and change in fertility among women in Uganda: analysis of the 2006-2016 period.
BMC Women's Health Pub Date : 2020-01-16 , DOI: 10.1186/s12905-020-0881-4
Paulino Ariho 1 , Allen Kabagenyi 2

BACKGROUND Uganda's fertility was almost unchanging until the year 2006 when some reductions became visible. Compared to age at first marriage and contraceptive use, age at sexual debut and family size preferences are rarely examined in studies of fertility decline. In this study, we analyzed the contribution of age at first marriage, age at first sex, family size preferences and contraceptive use to change in fertility in Uganda between 2006 and 2016. METHODS Using data from the 2006 and 2016 Uganda Demographic and Health Survey (UDHS), we applied a nonlinear multivariate decomposition technique to quantify the contribution of age at first marriage, age at first sex, family size preference and contraceptive use to the change in fertility observed during the 2006-2016 period. RESULTS The findings indicate that 37 and 63% of the change in fertility observed between 2006 and 2016 was respectively associated with changing characteristics and changing fertility behavior of the women. Changes in proportion of women by; age at first marriage, age at first sex, family size preferences and contraceptive use were respectively associated with 20.6, 10.5 and 8.4% and 8.2% of the change in fertility but only fertility behavior resulting from age at first sex was significantly related to the change in fertility with a contribution of 43.5%. CONCLUSIONS The study quantified the contribution of age at first marriage, age at first sex, family size preferences and contraceptive use to the change in fertility observed between 2006 and 2016. We highlight that of the four factors, only age at sexual debut made a significant contribution on the two components of the decomposition. There is need to address the low age at first sex, accessibility, demand for family planning services and youth-friendly family planning services to young unmarried women such that they can achieve their desired fertility. The contribution of other factors such as education attainment by women and place of residence and their relationship with changes in fertility calls for addressing if further reduction in fertility is to be realised.



背景技术直到2006年,乌干达的生育率几乎没有变化,直到可见到有所下降。与初婚年龄和使用避孕药具相比,在生育率下降的研究中很少检查初次性行为的年龄和家庭规模的偏好。在这项研究中,我们分析了2006年至2016年乌干达初婚年龄,初婚年龄,家庭规模偏好和避孕措施对生育率变化的贡献。方法使用2006年和2016年乌干达人口与健康调查的数据( UDHS),我们应用了非线性多元分解技术来量化在2006-2016年期间观察到的初婚年龄,初婚年龄,家庭规模偏好和避孕措施对生育率变化的贡献。结果研究结果表明,2006年至2016年间观察到的生育力变化的37%和63%分别与女性特征和生育行为的变化有关。妇女所占比例的变化;初婚年龄,初婚年龄,家庭规模偏好和使用避孕药具分别与生育率变化的20.6%,10.5%和8.4%和8.2%相关,但只有因初婚年龄引起的生育行为与变化有关生育率达到43.5%。结论该研究量化了2006年至2016年间观察到的初婚年龄,初婚年龄,家庭规模偏好和避孕手段使用对生育力变化的影响。我们着重介绍了以下四个因素:只有在性行为首次亮相时的年龄对分解的两个组成部分做出了重大贡献。有必要解决未婚年轻女性的初婚年龄低,交通便利,对计划生育服务和对青年友好的计划生育服务的需求,以便她们能够实现理想的生育能力。其他因素的贡献,例如妇女的受教育程度和居住地以及它们与生育率变化的关系,要求解决是否要进一步降低生育率。