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Gillian: Compositional Symbolic Execution for All
arXiv - CS - Logic in Computer Science Pub Date : 2020-01-14 , DOI: arxiv-2001.05059
Jos\'e Fragoso Santos, Petar Maksimovi\'c, Sacha-\'Elie Ayoun, Philippa Gardner

We present Gillian, a language-independent framework for the development of compositional symbolic analysis tools. Gillian supports three flavours of analysis: whole-program symbolic testing, full verification, and bi-abduction. It comes with fully parametric meta-theoretical results and a modular implementation, designed to minimise the instantiation effort required of the user. We evaluate Gillian by instantiating it to JavaScript and C, and perform its analyses on a set of data-structure libraries, obtaining results that indicate that Gillian is robust enough to reason about real-world programming languages.



我们提出了 Gillian,一个独立于语言的框架,用于开发组合符号分析工具。Gillian 支持三种类型的分析:全程序符号测试、完全验证和双向绑架。它带有完全参数化的元理论结果和模块化实现,旨在最大限度地减少用户所需的实例化工作。我们通过将 Gillian 实例化为 JavaScript 和 C 来评估它,并对一组数据结构库进行分析,获得的结果表明 Gillian 足够健壮,可以推理现实世界的编程语言。