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Mapping the Social-Norms Literature: An Overview of Reviews
Perspectives on Psychological Science ( IF 10.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-07 , DOI: 10.1177/1745691619866455
Sophie Legros 1 , Beniamino Cislaghi 2

Few concepts in the social sciences are as fundamental and cross-disciplinary as the concept of social norms, commonly understood as the unwritten rules shared by members of the same group or society (Hecter & Opp, 2001). The study of social norms spans several disciplines, including philosophy (Nichols, 2002), sociology (Durkheim, 1951), social and moral psychology (Deutsch & Gerard, 1955; Kahneman & Miller, 1986; Miller & Prentice, 1994; Sherif, 1936), law (Posner, 2009), economics (Ostrom, 2014), anthropology (Boyd & Richerson, 1994), gender studies (Butler, 2004), health sciences (Berkowitz, 2002; Fleming & Agnew-Brune, 2015; Sheeran et al., 2016), communication studies (Smith, Atkin, Martell, Allen, & Hembroff, 2006), environmental studies (de Groot & Schuitema, 2012), political science (Dalton, 2008), finance (Hong & Kacperczyk, 2009), marketing (Gregory & Munch, 1997), and information technology (Loch, Straub, & Kamel, 2003). The concept of social norms already populated the work of early philosophers, such as Aristotle (Keyt & Miller, 1993), as well as later ones, such as Thomasius (Wickham, 2007), Locke (Grant, 1988), Hume (1739/1978), and many thereafter. However, the allusions to norms existed in religious doctrines and philosophical knowledge that preceded Aristotle by thousands of years (Norenzayan et al., 2016).



社会科学中很少有概念像社会规范的概念那样具有根本性和跨学科性,社会规范通常被理解为同一群体或社会成员共享的不成文规则(Hecter&Opp,2001)。社会规范的研究涉及多个学科,包括哲学(尼科尔斯,2002),社会学(杜克海姆,1951),社会和道德心理学(德意志和杰拉德,1955;卡尼曼和米勒,1986;米勒和普伦蒂斯,1994;谢里夫,1936)。 ),法律(Posner,2009),经济学(Ostrom,2014),人类学(Boyd&Richerson,1994),性别研究(Butler,2004),健康科学(Berkowitz,2002; Fleming&Agnew-Brune,2015; Sheeran等)等人,2016年),传播学研究(史密斯,阿特金,马爹利,艾伦和汉布罗夫,2006年),环境研究(de Groot和Schuitema,2012年),政治学(道尔顿,2008年),金融(Hong&Kacperczyk,2009),市场营销(Gregory&Munch,1997)和信息技术(Loch,Straub和Kamel,2003)。社会规范的概念已经充斥于早期哲学家的工作中,例如亚里士多德(Keyt&Miller,1993),以及后来的哲学家,例如Thomasius(Wickham,2007),Locke(Grant,1988),Hume(1739 / 1978年),此后还有很多。然而,对规范的暗示存在于亚里士多德之前数千年的宗教学说和哲学知识中(Norenzayan et al。,2016)。洛克(格兰特(Grant),1988年),休ume(1739/1978),以及此后的许多人。然而,对规范的暗示存在于亚里士多德之前数千年的宗教学说和哲学知识中(Norenzayan et al。,2016)。洛克(格兰特(Grant),1988年),休ume(1739/1978),以及此后的许多人。然而,对规范的暗示存在于亚里士多德之前数千年的宗教学说和哲学知识中(Norenzayan et al。,2016)。