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Identifying the high entropy effect on plastic dynamics in bulk metallic glasses: A nanoindentation study at room and elevated temperatures
Materials & Design ( IF 7.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.matdes.2020.108500
Qing Zhou , Yin Du , Weichao Han , Qian Jia , Yuyu Deng , Haifeng Wang

Abstract In this study, the spatiotemporal dynamic analyses of intermittent plastic flow in the nanoindentation of different Bulk metallic glasses (BMGs), at various temperatures, were carefully performed to provide insight into the amorphous structural-property relationship. Based on the displacement-time series and largest Lyapunov exponent during serrated flow, two distinct types of dynamic behaviors were identified at room temperature, i.e., the serrated flow dynamics transforms form a self-organized critical state in traditional BMGs to a more chaotic state in high entropy BMGs (HE-BMGs). This may originate from their local structural difference that the solvent-solute architecture in conventional BMGs is broken in HE-BMGs. Furthermore, sluggish diffusion in HE-BMG can effectively retard relaxation kinetics, which leads to the deviation of HE-BMGs from the conventional BMGs in terms of the relationship between the chaotic behavior and temperature. Indeed, the insignificant change in dynamic complexity of HE-BMG conforms to its increased structural stability at elevated temperatures, which was soundly elucidated from both topological and kinetic factors. This study is of significance in understanding the configuration complexity and structure stability in HE-BMGs and helpful for designing BMGs with promising properties against external mechanical and thermal agitations.



摘要 在这项研究中,在不同温度下,对不同块状金属玻璃 (BMG) 的纳米压痕中的间歇塑性流动进行了时空动力学分析,以深入了解非晶结构-性能关系。基于锯齿流过程中的位移时间序列和最大李雅普诺夫指数,确定了室温下两种不同类型的动力学行为,即锯齿流动力学从传统 BMG 中的自组织临界状态转变为更混沌状态。高熵 BMG (HE-BMG)。这可能源于它们的局部结构差异,即传统 BMG 中的溶剂-溶质结构在 HE-BMG 中被破坏。此外,HE-BMG 中的缓慢扩散可以有效地延缓弛豫动力学,这导致 HE-BMGs 在混沌行为和温度之间的关系方面与常规 BMGs 存在偏差。事实上,HE-BMG 动态复杂性的微不足道变化与其在高温下增加的结构稳定性相一致,这从拓扑和动力学因素得到了很好的阐明。该研究对于理解HE-BMGs的构型复杂性和结构稳定性具有重要意义,有助于设计具有良好抗外部机械和热搅动性能的BMGs。这从拓扑和动力学因素得到了很好的阐明。该研究对于理解HE-BMGs的构型复杂性和结构稳定性具有重要意义,有助于设计具有良好抗外部机械和热搅动性能的BMGs。这从拓扑和动力学因素得到了很好的阐明。该研究对于理解HE-BMGs的构型复杂性和结构稳定性具有重要意义,有助于设计具有良好抗外部机械和热搅动性能的BMGs。