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Tackling Challenges in Seebeck Coefficient Measurement of Ultra‐High Resistance Samples with an AC Technique
Advanced Electronic Materials ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-15 , DOI: 10.1002/aelm.201901340
Zhenyu Pan 1 , Zheng Zhu 1 , Jonathon Wilcox 2 , Jeffrey J. Urban 3 , Fan Yang 4 , Heng Wang 1

Seebeck coefficient is a widely studied semiconductor property. Conventional Seebeck coefficient measurements are based on DC voltage measurement. Normally this is performed on samples with moderate resistances (e.g., below a few MΩ level). Certain semiconductors are intrinsic and highly resistive. Many examples can be found in optical and photovoltaic materials. The hybrid halide perovskites that have gained extensive attention recently are a good example. Despite great attention from the materials and physics communities, few successful studies exist of the Seebeck coefficient of these compounds, for example CH3NH3PbI3. An AC‐technique‐based Seebeck coefficient measurement is reported, which makes high‐quality Seebeck voltage measurements on samples with resistances up to the 100 GΩ level. This is achieved through a specifically designed setup to enhance sample isolation and increase capacitive impedance. As a demonstration, Seebeck coefficient measurement of a CH3NH3PbI3 thin film is performed at dark, with sample resistance 150 GΩ, and found S = +550 µV K−1. The strategy reported could be applied to the studies of fundamental transport parameters of all intrinsic semiconductors that have not been feasible.



塞贝克系数是广泛研究的半导体性质。常规的塞贝克系数测量基于直流电压测量。通常,这是在具有中等电阻(例如,低于几个MΩ水平)的样品上执行的。某些半导体是固有的且具有高电阻。在光学和光伏材料中可以找到许多示例。最近受到广泛关注的杂化卤化物钙钛矿就是一个很好的例子。尽管受到材料和物理学界的极大关注,但很少有成功的研究这些化合物的塞贝克系数,例如CH 3 NH 3 PbI 3。报告了一种基于交流技术的塞贝克系数测量方法,可以对电阻高达100GΩ的样品进行高质量的塞贝克电压测量。这是通过专门设计的设置来实现的,该设置可以增强样本隔离并增加电容性阻抗。作为演示,在黑暗中以150GΩ的采样电阻对CH 3 NH 3 PbI 3薄膜的塞贝克系数进行测量,得出S = +550 µV K -1。报告的策略可用于研究所有不可行的本征半导体的基本输运参数。