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Formation mechanism and applications of cenospheres: a review
Journal of Materials Science ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-07 , DOI: 10.1007/s10853-019-04341-7
Aamar Danish , Mohammad Ali Mosaberpanah

In thermal power plants, pulverized coal combusts to give an intricate composition of anthropogenic materials such as fly ash (coal). These materials are a major threat to environmental (air and water, etc.) pollution if dispose of to landfill sites and rivers. Since the last two decades, research and efforts are going on to reduce production and derivation of potentially valuable materials from coal fly ash such as cenosphere. Cenosphere is a low density, chemically inert and spherical material filled with air/inert gas (either nitrogen or carbon dioxide). Cenosphere is considered to be the most important fraction of fly ash as it is being used in different industries due to its condescending properties such as high workability, thermal resistance, compressive strength and low conductivity, bulk density. This review discuses the extraction of cenosphere from fly ash, its characterization (physical and chemical) and applications in different industries.



在火力发电厂中,煤粉燃烧产生复杂的人为材料,如飞灰(煤)。如果将这些材料丢弃到垃圾填埋场和河流中,这些材料会对环境(空气和水等)污染构成重大威胁。自过去二十年以来,研究和努力一直在进行,以减少从煤粉煤灰(如煤核)中生产和衍生潜在有价值的材料。Cenosphere 是一种低密度、化学惰性的球形材料,填充有空气/惰性气体(氮气或二氧化碳)。空心微珠被认为是粉煤灰中最重要的部分,因为它具有优越的性能,例如高可加工性、耐热性、抗压强度和低导电性、堆积密度,因此被用于不同的行业。