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Assessing heavy metal pollution by biomonitoring honeybee nectar in Córdoba (Spain).
Environmental Science and Pollution Research Pub Date : 2020-01-15 , DOI: 10.1007/s11356-019-07485-w
Miriam Gutiérrez 1 , Rafael Molero 2 , Miquel Gaju 2 , Josef van der Steen 3 , Claudio Porrini 4 , José Antonio Ruiz 1

Nectar of honeybee colonies has been used in order to identify heavy metals and establish the benefit of this type of studies as a tool for environmental management. For these goals, samples of nectar were obtained from Apis mellifera hives placed in the city of Córdoba (Spain) and its surroundings. Five stations (each with two hives) were selected and samples were collected from May to July of 2007, 2009 and 2010. Concentrations of Pb, Cr, Ni and Cd in nectar were determined by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Substantial spatial and temporal differences were detected and compared with the values found in bee bodies in a previously published study based on samples obtained simultaneously with those presented in this work. Upper reference thresholds established for this investigation were surpassed frequently by the measures obtained, being Cr (21.43% of samples), stations S3 (22.22%) and S4 (11.12%) year 2009 (22.22%) and the month of July (23.68%) the metal, the locations and the periods that exceeded more times these references. Regarding the Cd, which was studied only in 2010, 33.33% of the nectar samples exceeded the upper reference thresholds. Comparing the biomonitoring of bee bodies and nectar, some coincidences were found, although they showed different results for highest worrisome values of metal, station and year. This suggests that both methods can give complementary information in the surveillance systems of atmospheric pollution.



蜜蜂菌落的花蜜已被用于鉴定重金属,并确立这种研究的益处作为环境管理的工具。为了实现这些目标,从位于科尔多瓦市(西班牙)及其周围地区的蜜蜂蜂箱中获取了花蜜样本。选择了五个站点(每个站点有两个蜂箱),并于2007年5月至7月,2009年和2010年采集了样品。用石墨炉原子吸收分光光度法测定了花蜜中Pb,Cr,Ni和Cd的浓度。在先前发表的研究中,基于与本研究中同时获得的样品同时采集的样品,检测到了明显的时空差异,并将其与蜜蜂体内的值进行了比较。所采取的措施经常超过了为该调查确定的最高参考阈值,即Cr(占样品的21.43%),S3站(22.22%)和S4(11.12%)的2009年(22.22%)和7月(23.68%) )的金属,位置和周期超过这些参考值的更多倍。关于仅在2010年进行研究的镉,有33.33%的花蜜样品超过了参考上限。比较蜂体和花蜜的生物监测,发现了一些巧合,尽管它们对金属,站位和年份的最高令人担忧的值显示出不同的结果。这表明这两种方法都可以在大气污染监测系统中提供补充信息。68%)的金属,位置和周期超过这些参考值的更多倍。关于仅在2010年进行研究的镉,有33.33%的花蜜样品超过了参考上限。比较蜂体和花蜜的生物监测,发现了一些巧合,尽管它们对金属,站位和年份的最高令人担忧的值显示出不同的结果。这表明这两种方法都可以在大气污染监测系统中提供补充信息。68%)的金属,位置和周期超过这些参考值的更多倍。关于仅在2010年进行研究的镉,有33.33%的花蜜样品超过了参考上限。比较蜂体和花蜜的生物监测,发现了一些巧合,尽管它们对金属,站位和年份的最高令人担忧的值显示出不同的结果。这表明这两种方法都可以在大气污染监测系统中提供补充信息。尽管对于金属,工位和年份的最高令人担忧的值,它们显示出不同的结果。这表明这两种方法都可以在大气污染监测系统中提供补充信息。尽管对于金属,工位和年份的最高令人担忧的值,它们显示出不同的结果。这表明这两种方法都可以在大气污染监测系统中提供补充信息。