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Group distance magic Cartesian product of two cycles
Discrete Mathematics ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.disc.2019.111807
Sylwia Cichacz , Paweł Dyrlaga , Dalibor Froncek

Let $G=(V,E)$ be a graph and $\Gamma $ an Abelian group both of order $n$. A $\Gamma$-distance magic labeling of $G$ is a bijection $\ell \colon V\rightarrow \Gamma $ for which there exists $\mu \in \Gamma $ such that $% \sum_{x\in N(v)}\ell (x)=\mu $ for all $v\in V$, where $N(v)$ is the neighborhood of $v$. Froncek %(\cite{ref_CicAus}) showed that the Cartesian product $C_m \square C_n$, $m, n\geq3$ is a $\mathbb{Z}_{mn}$-distance magic graph if and only if $mn$ is even. It is also known that if $mn$ is even then $C_m \square C_n$ has $\mathbb{Z}_{\alpha}\times \mathcal{A}$-magic labeling for any $\alpha \equiv 0 \pmod {{\rm lcm}(m,n)}$ and any Abelian group $\mathcal{A}$ of order $mn/\alpha$. %\cite{ref_CicAus} However, the full characterization of group distance magic Cartesian product of two cycles is still unknown. In the paper we make progress towards the complete solution this problem by proving some necessary conditions. We further prove that for $n$ even the graph $C_{n}\square C_{n}$ has a $\Gamma$-distance magic labeling for any Abelian group $\Gamma$ of order $n^{2}$. Moreover we show that if $m\neq n$, then there does not exist a $(\mathbb{Z}_2)^{m+n}$-distance magic labeling of the Cartesian product $C_{2^m} \square C_{2^{n}}$. We also give necessary and sufficient condition for $C_{m} \square C_{n}$ with $\gcd(m,n)=1$ to be $\Gamma$-distance magic.



令$G=(V,E)$ 是一个图,$\Gamma $ 是一个$n$ 阶的阿贝尔群。$G$ 的 $\Gamma$ 距离魔法标记是一个双射 $\ell \colon V\rightarrow \Gamma $ 存在 $\mu \in \Gamma $ 使得 $% \sum_{x\in N (v)}\ell (x)=\mu $ 对于所有的 $v\in V$,其中 $N(v)$ 是 $v$ 的邻域。Frncek %(\cite{ref_CicAus}) 表明笛卡尔积 $C_m \square C_n$, $m, n\geq3$ 是 $\mathbb{Z}_{mn}$-distance 幻图当且仅当 $百万美元是偶数。还知道如果 $mn$ 是偶数,则 $C_m \square C_n$ 具有 $\mathbb{Z}_{\alpha}\times \mathcal{A}$-magic 标签对任何 $\alpha \equiv 0 \ pmod {{\rm lcm}(m,n)}$ 和 $mn/\alpha$ 阶的任何阿贝尔群 $\mathcal{A}$。%\cite{ref_CicAus} 然而,两个周期的群距离魔笛卡尔积的完整表征仍然未知。在本文中,我们通过证明一些必要条件,朝着完整解决这个问题取得了进展。我们进一步证明,对于 $n$,即使图 $C_{n}\square C_{n}$ 对任何阶 $n^{2}$ 的阿贝尔群 $\Gamma$ 也具有 $\Gamma$-距离魔法标签. 此外,我们证明,如果 $m\neq n$,则不存在笛卡尔积 $C_{2^m} \ 的 $(\mathbb{Z}_2)^{m+n}$-distance 魔法标签正方形 C_{2^{n}}$。我们还给出了 $C_{m} \square C_{n}$ 和 $\gcd(m,n)=1$ 是 $\Gamma$-距离魔法的充分必要条件。那么不存在笛卡尔积 $C_{2^m} \square C_{2^{n}}$ 的 $(\mathbb{Z}_2)^{m+n}$-distance 魔法标签。我们还给出了 $C_{m} \square C_{n}$ 和 $\gcd(m,n)=1$ 是 $\Gamma$-距离魔法的充分必要条件。那么不存在笛卡尔积 $C_{2^m} \square C_{2^{n}}$ 的 $(\mathbb{Z}_2)^{m+n}$-distance 魔法标签。我们还给出了 $C_{m} \square C_{n}$ 和 $\gcd(m,n)=1$ 是 $\Gamma$-距离魔法的充分必要条件。