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Domination in Signed Petri Net
arXiv - CS - Discrete Mathematics Pub Date : 2020-01-13 , DOI: arxiv-2001.04374
Payal and Sangita Kansal

In this paper, domination in Signed Petri net(SPN) has been introduced.We identify some of the Petri net structures where a dominating set can exist.Applications of producer consumer problem, searching of food by bees and finding similarity in research papers are given to understand the areas where the proposed theory can be used.


有符号 Petri 网的支配地位

本文介绍了签名 Petri 网(SPN)中的支配。我们确定了一些可以存在支配集的 Petri 网结构。给出了生产者消费者问题的应用,蜜蜂搜索食物以及在研究论文中寻找相似性了解可以使用所提出的理论的领域。