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Exploring Real-time Control of Stormwater Systems for Sea Level Rise
Journal of Hydrology ( IF 5.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.124571
Jeffrey M. Sadler , Jonathan L. Goodall , Madhur Behl , Benjamin D. Bowes , Mohamed M. Morsy

Abstract Low-lying, low-relief coastal cities have seen increased flooding due to climate change. In these cities, stormwater pipe outlets can be inundated by coastal waters at high tide or from storm surge, making drainage impossible. The objective of this research is to assess the utility of model predictive control (MPC) of stormwater actuators to reduce flooding in a coastal urban setting made worse by sea level rise. The stormwater system and the control scenarios are simulated using the United States Environmental Protection Agency Storm Water Management Model (SWMM5) coupled with a Python library, swmm_mpc. The study area is Norfolk, Virginia, USA, a city which is particularly vulnerable to coastal flooding. A simulated 2-year 12-h design storm and sea level rise scenarios up to 3.5 ft are applied to the model for three control scenarios: 1) a passive system, 2) a passive system with a tide gate (backflow preventer), and 3) a tide gate and three actuators (a pump, a valve, and an inflatable dam) controlled through MPC. Flooding in the passive system reached a tipping point and increased dramatically after a sea level rise of 1.6 ft. The addition of a tide gate greatly mitigated this increase in flooding. MPC further reduced overall flooding with an average effective percent reduction of 32%. The rate of the increase in flooding was significantly smaller with MPC than without. MPC also reduced maximum node flood volume by an average of 52% for sea level increases of 2.0 ft and above. In addition to the installation of a tide gate, our results suggest that the use of actuators controlled by MPC could significantly reduce overall flood volumes and reduce flood severity at individual nodes in coastal cities.



摘要 由于气候变化,地势低洼的沿海城市洪水泛滥。在这些城市,雨水管道出口可能会在涨潮或风暴潮时被沿海水域淹没,从而无法排水。本研究的目的是评估雨水执行器的模型预测控制 (MPC) 的效用,以减少因海平面上升而恶化的沿海城市环境中的洪水。雨水系统和控制场景使用美国环境保护署雨水管理模型 (SWMM5) 和 Python 库 swmm_mpc 进行模拟。研究区域是美国弗吉尼亚州诺福克市,该城市特别容易受到沿海洪水的影响。模拟的 2 年 12 小时设计风暴和高达 3.5 英尺的海平面上升场景应用于模型的三种控制场景:1) 被动系统,2) 带潮闸(防回流装置)的被动系统,以及 3) 潮闸和通过 MPC 控制的三个执行器(泵、阀门和充气坝)。被动系统中的洪水达到了临界点,并在海平面上升 1.6 英尺后急剧增加。潮汐闸门的增加大大缓解了这种洪水的增加。MPC 进一步减少了整体洪水,平均有效减少了 32%。与不使用 MPC 相比,使用 MPC 时洪水增加的速度要小得多。对于海平面上升 2.0 英尺及以上,MPC 还将最大节点洪水量平均减少了 52%。除了安装潮闸,