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Optimization of CCUS supply chains in the UK: A strategic role for emissions reduction
Chemical Engineering Research and Design ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cherd.2020.01.002
Grazia Leonzio , David Bogle , Pier Ugo Foscolo , Edwin Zondervan

The UK is the second largest emitter of carbon dioxide in Europe. It aims to take urgent actions to achieve the 2030 target for CO2 emissions reduction imposed by EU environmental policies. Three different carbon capture utilization and storage (CCUS) supply chains are developed giving economic indicators for CO2 utilization routes not implying carbon dioxide hydrogenation (i.e. with high TRL). The study presents an innovative proposal to reduce CO2 impact in the UK, a country rich in coal, which requires reduction of carbon dioxide emissions from flue gases as the easiest and best performing solution. Bunter Sandstone, Scottish offshore and Ormskirk Sandstone are the storage sites considered, while several attractive potential utilization options are considered. Through minimization of total costs, the CCUS supply chain with Bunter Sandstone as storage site results in the most economically profitable solution due to the highest value of net present value (€ 0.554 trillion) and lowest value of pay back period (2.85 years). Only carbon tax is considered. The total cost is € 1.04 billion/year. Across the supply chain, 6.4 Mton/year of carbon dioxide emissions are avoided, to be either stored or used for calcium carbonate production. Future work should consider uncertainty, dynamics of market demand and social aspects.



英国是欧洲第二大二氧化碳排放国。它旨在采取紧急措施,以实现欧盟环境政策规定的2030年CO 2减排目标。开发了三种不同的碳捕集利用和封存(CCUS)供应链,为不暗示二氧化碳加氢(即高TRL)的CO 2利用路线提供了经济指标。该研究提出了减少CO 2的创新建议在英国这个煤炭资源丰富的国家产生的影响,这要求减少烟气中的二氧化碳排放,这是最简便,效果最好的解决方案。Bunter砂岩,苏格兰近海和Ormskirk砂岩是考虑的存储地点,同时考虑了几种有吸引力的潜在利用方案。通过最大程度地降低总成本,由于以净现值的最高值(0.554万亿欧元)和最低的投资回收期(2.85年)的价格,以邦特砂岩作为存储基地的CCUS供应链可带来最经济的解决方案。仅考虑碳税。每年的总成本为10.4亿欧元。在整个供应链中,避免了6.4吨/年的二氧化碳排放,可以将其存储或用于生产碳酸钙。未来的工作应考虑不确定性,
