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An Integrated Gene Expression Landscape Profiling Approach to Identify Lung Tumor Endothelial Cell Heterogeneity and Angiogenic Candidates.
Cancer Cell ( IF 48.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ccell.2019.12.001
Jermaine Goveia 1 , Katerina Rohlenova 1 , Federico Taverna 1 , Lucas Treps 1 , Lena-Christin Conradi 1 , Andreas Pircher 1 , Vincent Geldhof 1 , Laura P M H de Rooij 1 , Joanna Kalucka 1 , Liliana Sokol 1 , Melissa García-Caballero 1 , Yingfeng Zheng 2 , Junbin Qian 3 , Laure-Anne Teuwen 1 , Shawez Khan 1 , Bram Boeckx 3 , Els Wauters 4 , Herbert Decaluwé 5 , Paul De Leyn 5 , Johan Vansteenkiste 4 , Birgit Weynand 6 , Xavier Sagaert 6 , Erik Verbeken 6 , Albert Wolthuis 7 , Baki Topal 7 , Wouter Everaerts 8 , Hanibal Bohnenberger 9 , Alexander Emmert 10 , Dena Panovska 11 , Frederik De Smet 11 , Frank J T Staal 12 , Rene J Mclaughlin 12 , Francis Impens 13 , Vincenzo Lagani 14 , Stefan Vinckier 1 , Massimiliano Mazzone 15 , Luc Schoonjans 1 , Mieke Dewerchin 1 , Guy Eelen 1 , Tobias K Karakach 1 , Huanming Yang 16 , Jian Wang 16 , Lars Bolund 17 , Lin Lin 17 , Bernard Thienpont 18 , Xuri Li 2 , Diether Lambrechts 3 , Yonglun Luo 19 , Peter Carmeliet 20

Heterogeneity of lung tumor endothelial cell (TEC) phenotypes across patients, species (human/mouse), and models (in vivo/in vitro) remains poorly inventoried at the single-cell level. We single-cell RNA (scRNA)-sequenced 56,771 endothelial cells from human/mouse (peri)-tumoral lung and cultured human lung TECs, and detected 17 known and 16 previously unrecognized phenotypes, including TECs putatively regulating immune surveillance. We resolved the canonical tip TECs into a known migratory tip and a putative basement-membrane remodeling breach phenotype. Tip TEC signatures correlated with patient survival, and tip/breach TECs were most sensitive to vascular endothelial growth factor blockade. Only tip TECs were congruent across species/models and shared conserved markers. Integrated analysis of the scRNA-sequenced data with orthogonal multi-omics and meta-analysis data across different human tumors, validated by functional analysis, identified collagen modification as a candidate angiogenic pathway.


