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Relating nanofiltration membrane morphology to observed rejection of saccharides
Separation and Purification Technology ( IF 8.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-12 , DOI: 10.1016/j.seppur.2020.116550
Christian M. Schmidt , Matthias Sprunk , Ronny Löffler , Jörg Hinrichs

Nanofiltration for the fractionation of uncharged solutes has become more interesting in recent times, due to the goal of valorizing side-streams and by-products of the food industry. Since the membranes suitable for this purpose are mainly utilized for demineralization processes, the specifications given by the manufacturer are insufficient for the prediction of the rejection of uncharged solutes. Nine membranes with a molecular weight cut-off between 150 and 1000 Da were investigated showing differences in their rejection of fructose at a transmembrane pressure difference ΔpTM of 1.0 MPa. These values were correlated with the root-mean-square roughness Sq and apparent pore size dap determined by atomic force microscopy, while the determined contact angle Θ did not influence the rejection. Thereby, a correlation between membrane morphology and rejection behavior was established.



由于食品工业中支流和副产品的增值目标,用于不带电溶质分馏的纳滤近来变得越来越有趣。由于适用于此目的的膜主要用于脱盐过程,因此制造商给出的规格不足以预测不带电荷的溶质的排出。九个膜150和1000Da的之间的分子量截止进行了研究示出在跨膜压力差在它们的排斥果糖的差异ΔP TM 1.0兆帕。这些值与均方根粗糙度S q和表观孔径d ap相关由原子力显微镜确定,而确定的接触角θ不影响排斥。由此,建立了膜形态与排斥行为之间的相关性。
