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Chemical elements and preeclampsia - An overview of current problems, challenges and significance of recent research.
Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jtemb.2020.126468
Katarzyna Gajewska 1 , Anna Błażewicz 1 , Marzena Laskowska 2 , Przemysław Niziński 1 , Weronika Dymara-Konopka 2 , Łukasz Komsta 3

OBJECTIVES Data on the elemental status, redistribution of the elements, role of occupational exposure and dietary assessment in preeclampsia (PE) are scarce. There are many disparities in the findings of essential and non-essential elements' role in PE. In this article we overview the changes in the content of selected elements in pregnancy complicated with the disorder of complex and not fully understood etiology. We have focused on important limitations and highlighted shortcomings in research from the last ten years period. METHODS The Scopus and PubMed electronic databases have been searched for English-language articles published within the time interval 2008-2018, with full text available and with the key words "preeclampsia" and "chemical element" (i.e. separately: Cd, Pb, As, Ni, Mo, Co, Cr, Mn, Se, I, Fe, Sr, Cu, Zn, Mg, K and Na) appearing in the title, abstract or keywords. RESULTS A total of 48 publications were eligible for this overview. Surprisingly only 4% of papers considered environmental exposure, 8%- diet and 2 %- comorbid diseases. In most published papers, occupational exposure was neglected. Meta-analysis was possible for seven elements in serum (Ca, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Se, Zn), and two elements (Se, Zn) in plasma. It showed negative shift for most elements, however only several were statistically significant. CONLUSIONS The overview of the published data on PE and chemical elements yields varied results. Some of the reasons may be the difference in not duly validated method of determination, and huge discrepancies in study designs. The lack of detailed description of studied and control population and small number of samples constitute the most common limitations of such studies. Many of them describe the use of a single analytical procedure, therefore the quality of research may be insufficient to obtain reliable results. A history of elements' status and intake before and during pregnancy is usually not examined. Dietary assessment should be done at different stages of pregnancy, and whenever possible in the periconceptional period as well. It still needs to be established whether the deficiency of certain elements or their excess may be an etiopathogenic factor and a developmental cause of PE, and if it may serve as a target of actions in the causal treatment or even prevention of the occurrence of this disease.


化学元素和先兆子痫 - 对当前问题、挑战和近期研究意义的概述。

目的 关于先兆子痫 (PE) 中元素状态、元素重新分布、职业暴露的作用和膳食评估的数据很少。关于基本要素和非基本要素在 PE 中的作用的研究结果存在许多差异。在本文中,我们概述了妊娠合并复杂且未完全了解病因的疾病中选定元素含量的变化。我们专注于过去十年研究的重要局限性和不足。方法 Scopus 和 PubMed 电子数据库检索了 2008-2018 年期间发表的英文文章,全文可用,关键词为“先兆子痫”和“化学元素”(即分别为:Cd、Pb、As , Ni, Mo, Co, Cr, Mn, Se, I, Fe, Sr, Cu, Zn、Mg、K 和 Na)出现在标题、摘要或关键词中。结果 共有 48 篇出版物符合本综述的条件。令人惊讶的是,只有 4% 的论文考虑了环境暴露、8% 的饮食和 2% 的合并症。在大多数已发表的论文中,职业暴露被忽略了。可以对血清中的七种元素(钙、铜、铁、镁、锰、硒、锌)和血浆中的两种元素(硒、锌)进行荟萃分析。它对大多数元素显示负偏移,但只有少数元素具有统计学意义。结论 对已发表的关于 PE 和化学元素的数据的概述产生了不同的结果。其中一些原因可能是未经适当验证的测定方法的差异以及研究设计中的巨大差异。缺乏对研究和对照人群的详细描述以及样本数量少构成了此类研究最常见的局限性。其中许多描述了单一分析程序的使用,因此研究质量可能不足以获得可靠的结果。通常不检查怀孕前和怀孕期间元素状态和摄入量的历史。饮食评估应在怀孕的不同阶段进行,并且尽可能在围孕期进行。某些元素的缺乏或过量是否可能是PE的致病因素和发育原因,是否可以作为病因治疗甚至预防该疾病发生的行动目标仍有待确定. 其中许多描述了单一分析程序的使用,因此研究质量可能不足以获得可靠的结果。通常不检查怀孕前和怀孕期间元素状态和摄入量的历史。饮食评估应在怀孕的不同阶段进行,并且尽可能在围孕期进行。某些元素的缺乏或过量是否可能是PE的致病因素和发育原因,是否可以作为病因治疗甚至预防该疾病发生的行动目标仍有待确定. 其中许多描述了单一分析程序的使用,因此研究质量可能不足以获得可靠的结果。通常不检查怀孕前和怀孕期间元素状态和摄入量的历史。饮食评估应在怀孕的不同阶段进行,并且尽可能在围孕期进行。某些元素的缺乏或过量是否可能是PE的致病因素和发育原因,是否可以作为病因治疗甚至预防该疾病发生的行动目标仍有待确定. 通常不检查怀孕前和怀孕期间的状态和摄入量。饮食评估应在怀孕的不同阶段进行,并且尽可能在围孕期进行。某些元素的缺乏或过量是否可能是PE的致病因素和发育原因,是否可以作为病因治疗甚至预防该疾病发生的行动目标仍有待确定. 通常不检查怀孕前和怀孕期间的状态和摄入量。饮食评估应在怀孕的不同阶段进行,并且尽可能在围孕期进行。某些元素的缺乏或过量是否可能是PE的致病因素和发育原因,是否可以作为病因治疗甚至预防该疾病发生的行动目标仍有待确定.