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Obstructive sleep apnoea severity and liver steatosis measured by magnetic resonance imaging
European Respiratory Journal ( IF 16.6 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-24 , DOI: 10.1183/13993003.01514-2019
Wojciech Trzepizur , Jérôme Boursier , Anna Berréhare , Marc Le Vaillant , Ramaroson Andriantsitohaina , Pierre-Henri Ducluzeau , Séverine Dubois , Samir Henni , Pierre Abraham , Paul Calès , Christophe Aubé , Anita Paisant , Frédéric Gagnadoux

Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) are two of many diseases associated with obesity. NAFLD is a common condition ranging in severity from liver steatosis to non-alcoholic steatohepatitis and liver fibrosis, the last step of NAFLD progression. Numerous studies have investigated whether the frequent co-occurrence of OSA and NAFLD simply reflects their link to obesity, or whether there is an independent pathophysiological interconnection between the two diseases (see [1] for comprehensive review). In animal models, intermittent hypoxia mimicking OSA has been shown to cause insulin resistance, dysfunction of key steps in hepatic lipid metabolism, liver steatosis and fibrosis [1]. In patients with OSA and metabolic comorbidities, liver steatosis measured by magnetic resonance imaging is associated with male sex and insulin resistance, but not with OSA severity and nocturnal hypoxia http://bit.ly/2kqyi3O



阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停 (OSA) 和非酒精性脂肪肝 (NAFLD) 是与肥胖相关的众多疾病中的两种。NAFLD 是一种常见疾病,严重程度从肝脂肪变性到非酒精性脂肪性肝炎和肝纤维化,这是 NAFLD 进展的最后一步。许多研究调查了 OSA 和 NAFLD 的频繁同时发生是否仅仅反映了它们与肥胖的联系,或者这两种疾病之间是否存在独立的病理生理学相互关联(综合综述见 [1])。在动物模型中,模拟 OSA 的间歇性缺氧已被证明会导致胰岛素抵抗、肝脏脂质代谢关键步骤的功能障碍、肝脏脂肪变性和纤维化 [1]。在患有 OSA 和代谢合并症的患者中,