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Latent tuberculosis infection among minor asylum seekers in Denmark
European Respiratory Journal ( IF 16.6 ) Pub Date : 2019-09-26 , DOI: 10.1183/13993003.01688-2019
Banoo Bakir Ahmad , Kristina Langholz Kristensen , Jonathan Peter Glenthoej , Anja Poulsen , Ann-Gine Bryld , Franziska Grundtvig Huber , Ebbe Munk Andersen , Pernille Ravn

We read with interest the study by Wolters et al. [1], reporting the results of radiographic tuberculosis (TB) entry screening of asylum seekers in the Netherlands. We agree with the authors that we lack sufficient studies concerning latent TB infection (LTBI) screening among minor asylum seekers, and we present our study investigating LTBI prevalence and the coverage of follow-up in terms of clinical evaluation and treatment of LTBI among minor asylum seekers arriving in Denmark. Screening among minor asylum seekers in Denmark revealed a high LTBI prevalence with heterogeneity in terms of clinical evaluation and initiating preventive treatment, underlining the need for uniform management of LTBI screening and treatment http://bit.ly/2m2WyJI



我们饶有兴趣地阅读了 Wolters 等人的研究。[1],报告了荷兰寻求庇护者的放射性结核病 (TB) 入境筛查结果。我们同意作者的观点,即我们缺乏关于未成年寻求庇护者中潜伏性 TB 感染 (LTBI) 筛查的充分研究,我们提出了我们的研究,调查 LTBI 患病率以及在未成年庇护者中 LTBI 的临床评估和治疗方面的随访覆盖率抵达丹麦的求职者。丹麦未成年寻求庇护者的筛查显示 LTBI 患病率高,在临床评估和启动预防性治疗方面存在异质性,强调需要统一管理 LTBI 筛查和治疗 http://bit.ly/2m2WyJI