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The Structural Stability of P2-Layered Na-Based Electrodes during Anionic Redox
Joule ( IF 38.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-08 , DOI: 10.1016/j.joule.2019.12.003
Jean Vergnet , Matthieu Saubanère , Marie-Liesse Doublet , Jean-Marie Tarascon

The increasing need for sustainable energy storage has rekindled interest for Na-ion batteries. Their energy density can be enhanced using anionic redox (AR), as reported in Na-deficient P2 phases. Contrary to their Li-rich counterparts with O3 stacking, these Na-deficient P2 phases show surprisingly good structural stability during AR. Understanding the fundamental relationship between O and P stacking and AR reversibility thus becomes critical. Herein, using density functional theory (DFT) analysis and modeling of O2- and P2-Na2∕3Mg1∕3Mn2∕3O2, we show that during AR, the oxygen network is stabilized through either (1) a highly reversible collective distortion, in P stacking, or (2) a disproportionation of oxygen pairs leading to voltage hysteresis, in O stacking. Using this 2-distortions model, we describe a magnetic-constrained DFT methodology to predict the critical state of charge for reversible cycling that we successfully extend to other Mn-based cathodes. This article provides fundamental understanding, powerful computational methods, and practical guidelines to design next-generation cathode materials.



可持续能源存储的需求不断增长,重新引起了人们对钠离子电池的兴趣。如缺钠的P2相中所报道的,可以使用阴离子氧化还原(AR)来提高其能量密度。与富锂的O3堆积相反,这些Na缺乏的P2相在AR中表现出令人惊讶的良好结构稳定性。因此,了解O和P堆叠与AR可逆性之间的基本关系变得至关重要。在此,使用密度泛函理论(DFT)对O2-和P2-Na 2∕3 Mg 1∕3 Mn 2∕3 O 2进行建模和建模,我们表明,在AR期间,氧网络通过(1)在P堆中高度可逆的集体畸变或(2)在O堆中导致电压滞后的氧对歧化来稳定。使用这种2变形模型,我们描述了一种磁约束DFT方法,以预测可逆循环的临界电荷状态,并将其成功扩展到其他基于Mn的阴极。本文提供了设计下一代阴极材料的基础知识,强大的计算方法和实用指南。
