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Scalable revocable identity-based signature over lattices in the standard model
Information Sciences Pub Date : 2020-01-07 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ins.2020.01.008
Congge Xie , Jian Weng , Jiasi Weng , Lin Hou

Revocable identity based signature (RIBS) is a useful cryptographic primitive, which provides a revocation mechanism to revoke misbehaving or malicious users over ID-based public key settings. In the past, many RIBS schemes have been previously proposed, but the security of all these existing schemes is based on traditional complexity assumptions, which are not secure against attacks in the quantum era. Lattice-based cryptography has many attractive features and it is all believed to be secure against attacks of quantum computing. Recently, Hung et al. proposed a RIBS with short size over lattices. However, in their scheme, it requires the private key generator (PKG) to perform linear work in the number of users and does not scale well. Moreover, their scheme is secure in the random oracle model. In this paper, we adopt the binary tree structure to present a scalable lattice-based RIBS scheme which greatly reduces the PKG’S workload associated with users from linear to logarithm. We prove that our proposed scheme is existentially unforgeable against chosen message attacks (EUF-CMA) under standard short integer solutions (SIS) assumption, in the standard model. Compared with the existing RIBS schemes over lattices, our proposed RIBS construction is secure in the standard model with scalability and meanwhile has efficient revocation mechanism with public channels.



