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Enhancing gardens as habitats for soil-surface-active invertebrates: should we plant native or exotic species?
Biodiversity and Conservation ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-17 , DOI: 10.1007/s10531-019-01874-w
Andrew Salisbury , Sarah Al-Beidh , James Armitage , Stephanie Bird , Helen Bostock , Anna Platoni , Mark Tatchell , Ken Thompson , Joe Perry


Domestic gardens provide valuable ecosystem services including supporting biodiversity. These gardens typically consist of a mixture of native and non-native plants yet the relative value of these plants for invertebrates is largely unknown. To address this a replicated field experiment was established with plots planted with one of three assemblages of non-invasive perennial and shrubby garden plants (treatments), based on plant origin [British native, near-native (Northern Hemisphere) and exotic (Southern Hemisphere)]. Over 4 years soil-surface-active invertebrates were recorded by pitfall trap and canopy cover measured. The abundance of soil-surface-active invertebrates increased with canopy cover. Abundance was higher on the native treatment, but there were seasonal differences, with proportionately more invertebrates found on the exotic plots during the winter. Invertebrate herbivores, parasitoids and the Carabidae gave similar results to total abundance. Omnivores were most abundant on the near-native treatment and detritivores showed no difference between treatments. The abundance of the Araneae increased as canopy cover decreased. Analysis of diversity for groups meeting minimum data requirements indicated that abundance measures gave a good representation of diversity. The experiment demonstrated that gardens and other cultivated ornamental plantings support a wide range of soil-surface-active invertebrates regardless of the plants’ origin and the more plant matter (canopy cover) available the greater the abundance. More invertebrates will be supported by gardens and cultivated planting schemes that offer dense year-round vegetation cover combined with plantings biased towards native and near-native plants. Some areas of low vegetation cover will however, support some groups such as the Araneae.




家庭花园提供了宝贵的生态系统服务,包括支持生物多样性。这些花园通常由本地植物和非本地植物的混合物组成,但这些植物对无脊椎动物的相对价值尚不清楚。为了解决这个问题,建立了一个重复的田间试验,该田地种植了三种无创多年生和矮生花园植物(处理)组合之一,基于植物起源[英国本土,近自然(北半球)和异国(南半球) )]。在超过4年的时间里,通过陷阱陷阱记录了表面活性的无脊椎动物,并测量了冠层的覆盖度。土壤表面活性无脊椎动物的数量随冠层的覆盖而增加。本地处理的丰度较高,但存在季节性差异,冬季在异国情调的土地上发现的无脊椎动物成比例增加。无脊椎动物的草食动物,寄生虫和甲壳纲动物的总丰度结果相似。杂合子在近本地处理中最多,而碎屑在处理之间没有差异。随着树冠覆盖面积的减少,Araneae的丰度增加。对满足最低数据要求的群体进行的多样性分析表明,丰度衡量指标很好地体现了多样性。实验表明,无论植物的来源如何,花园和其他栽培的观赏植物都支持各种各样的表面活性无脊椎动物,并且可用的植物物质(冠层覆盖)越多,其丰度就越大。无脊椎动物将得到花园和种植计划的支持,这些计划提供全年茂密的植被覆盖以及偏向本地和近本地植物的种植。但是,某些植被覆盖率较低的地区将为诸如Araneae的某些群体提供支持。
