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Health risk assessment of lead, mercury, and other metal(loid)s: A potential threat to the population consuming fish inhabiting, a lentic ecosystem in Steel City (Jamshedpur), India
Human and Ecological Risk Assessment ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-12 , DOI: 10.1080/10807039.2018.1495055
Preeti Kumari 1 , Subodh Kumar Maiti 1

Six fish species (Labeo calbasu, Puntius ticto, Notopterus notopterus, Labeo rohita, Channa punctatus, and Aorichthys seenghala) were selected from Dimna Lake, Jamshedpur, India. Metal(loid) (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Pb, and Zn) concentrations were assessed in gill, muscle, intestine, liver, and caudal fin of each fish species. The result showed that the concentrations of Cd (2.16–3.87 mg/kg), Cr (2.22–9.97 mg/kg), Hg (0.09–1.99 mg/kg), Pb (12.00–39.65 mg/kg), and Zn (97.20–376.02 mg/kg) were higher than that of previous research and international standard. Industrial discharge, vehicular emission and agricultural run-off were responsible sources of elevated concentration of these metal(loids). Among different organs, highest concentrations were observed in gill, liver and intestine may be attributed to the physiology of organs and their interaction with the environment. Among different fish species, carnivorous and bottom feeders concentrate more metal(loid)s. The potential human health risk due to consumption of fish species was assessed by Target Hazard Quotient (THQ) and Hazard Index (HI) of metal(loid)s. The result showed the value of THQ greater than 1 and the value of HI within 2.7–15.1. These results showed a serious threat (especially due to lead and mercury) to the local population consuming fish from Dimna Lake.



从印度贾姆谢德布尔的Dimna湖中选择了六种鱼类(Labeo calbasu,Puntius ticto,Notopterus notopterus,Labeo rohita,Channa punctatus和Aorichthys seenghala)。在每种鱼类的g,肌肉,肠,肝脏和尾鳍中评估了金属(砷,镉,铬,铜,汞,铅,锌和铅)的浓度。结果表明,镉(2.16-3.87 mg / kg),铬(2.22-9.97 mg / kg),汞(0.09-1.99 mg / kg),铅(12.00-39.65 mg / kg)和锌( 97.20–376.02 mg / kg)高于先前的研究和国际标准。工业排放,车辆排放和农业径流是这些金属(胶体)浓度升高的原因。在不同器官中,g的浓度最高 肝和肠可能归因于器官的生理及其与环境的相互作用。在不同的鱼类中,肉食性和底部食性动物会集中更多的金属(胶体)。通过目标物种的危险指数(THQ)和金属危害指数(HI)评估了鱼类消费对人类健康的潜在危害。结果显示THQ值大于1,HI值在2.7-15.1之间。这些结果表明,当地居民从迪姆纳湖(Dimna Lake)食用鱼受到严重威胁(尤其是铅和汞)。结果显示THQ值大于1,HI值在2.7-15.1之间。这些结果表明,当地居民从迪姆纳湖(Dimna Lake)食用鱼受到严重威胁(尤其是铅和汞)。结果显示THQ值大于1,HI值在2.7-15.1之间。这些结果表明,当地居民从迪姆纳湖(Dimna Lake)食用鱼受到严重威胁(尤其是铅和汞)。
