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Introduction to Rank-polymorphic Programming in Remora (Draft)
arXiv - CS - Programming Languages Pub Date : 2019-12-31 , DOI: arxiv-1912.13451
Olin Shivers, Justin Slepak and Panagiotis Manolios

Remora is a higher-order, rank-polymorphic array-processing programming language, in the same general class of languages as APL and J. It is intended for writing programs to be executed on parallel hardware. We provide an example-driven introduction to the language, and its general computational model, originally developed by Iverson for APL. We begin with Dynamic Remora, a variant of the language with a dynamic type system (as in Scheme or Lisp), to introduce the fundamental computational mechanisms of the language, then shift to Explicitly Typed Remora, a variant of the language with a static, dependent type system that permits the shape of the arrays being computed to be captured at compile time. This article can be considered an introduction to the general topic of the rank-polymorphic array-processing computational model, above and beyond the specific details of the Remora language. We do not address the details of type inference in Remora, that is, the assignment of explicit types to programs written without such annotations; this is ongoing research.


Remora 中秩多态编程简介(草案)

Remora 是一种高阶、秩多态的数组处理编程语言,与 APL 和 J 属于同一类通用语言。它旨在编写要在并行硬件上执行的程序。我们提供了该语言的示例驱动介绍及其通用计算模型,最初由 Iverson 为 APL 开发。我们从 Dynamic Remora 开始,这是一种具有动态类型系统的语言变体(如 Scheme 或 Lisp),介绍该语言的基本计算机制,然后转向显式类型 Remora,一种具有静态类型的语言变体,依赖类型系统,允许在编译时捕获正在计算的数组的形状。这篇文章可以被认为是对秩多态数组处理计算模型的一般主题的介绍,超越 Remora 语言的具体细节。我们没有解决 Remora 中类型推断的细节,即为没有此类注释编写的程序分配显式类型;这是正在进行的研究。