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Brain-to-brain Wireless Communication and Technologies Beyond 5G
arXiv - CS - Emerging Technologies Pub Date : 2019-12-23 , DOI: arxiv-2001.00466
Dick Carrillo Melgarejo and Renan Moioli and Pedro Nardelli

During the last few years, intensive research efforts are being done in the field of brain interfaces to extract neuro-information from the signals representing neuronal activities in the human brain. A recent development of these interfaces is capable of direct communication between animals' brains, enabling direct brain-to-brain communication. Although these results are new and the experimental scenario simple, the fast development in neuroscience, and information and communication technologies indicate the potential of new scenarios for wireless communications between brains. Depending of the specific kind of neuro-activity to be communicated, the brain-to-brain link shall follow strict requirements of high data rates, low-latency, and reliable communication. In this paper we highlight key beyond 5G technologies that potentially will support this promising approach.


超越 5G 的脑对脑无线通信和技术
